
Crazy Horse

Miles Beyond
Lingua: Inglese

Miles Beyond

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Lyrics & Music by Tim Moody and Paul Owsinski
Album: Miles Beyond

61x2Bm2JDqhL. SS500

Crazy Horse
Crazy Horse
Born on the Republican River – in the year 1845
Crazy Horse was a proud warrior
Did all he could to help his tribe survive.
The Sioux chiefs agreed – that the white man must be met with force
For them to succeed they would be led by Crazy Horse
In the past they had welcomed white traders
And permitted the Oregon Trail
But now forts were built on there land
How could their gratitude fail?

He led the attack on Fort Phil Kearny
it was his first claim to fame
Some tribes were still seeking peace
While his love of battle was on full display
The Sioux chiefs agreed –that the white man must be met with force
For them to succeed – they would be led by Crazy Horse
Sitting Bull sent word that white soldiers
Would fight the Sioux to a finish
Crazy Horse took seven hundred men
To take care of their nemesis..

They stopped at Little Big Horn – where they were met by Custer's men
Crazy Horse foiled Custer's plans
And he claimed victory once again
The Sioux chiefs agreed – that the white man must be met with force
For them to succeed they would be led by Crazy Horse
He bested one of the most brilliant
Leaders of the Civil War
They fought until there were no white men
Alive at Little Big Horn

[Tim solo]

inviata da giorgio - 18/9/2012 - 08:16

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