
Give My Love to Marie

James Talley
Lingua: Inglese

James Talley

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Album “Tryin' Like the Devil” pubblicato nel 1976‎

Sulla “malattia del polmone nero”, la pneumoconiosi, antracosi, silicosi e le altre malattie ‎professionali che colpiscono i minatori, in specie quelli del carbone si vedano anche, per esempio, ‎‎Black Lung Blues, Black Lung Song, Il minatore di Frontale, He Fades Away, Dogs at Midnight e Black Lung.
I’m a black lung miner from east Tennessee,‎
I raised all my family on coal dust and beans,‎
But this old black lung’s got me,‎
No life left in me
Set my lantern in the window,‎
Give my love to Marie.‎

For twenty-five years
I’ve worked in the mine,‎
Where the earth is as black
As a cold winter night
There’s millions in the ground,‎
But not a penny for me ‎
Set my lantern in the window,‎
Give my love to Marie.‎

I’ve loved all my children
Six sons of mine,‎
But I pray they never will
Work in the mine;‎
For the black lung will get them,‎
They’ll die just like me
Set my lantern in the window,‎
Give my love to Marie.‎

Now, there’s frost on the ground,‎
Ice in the trees;‎
The air is so heavy
I can’t hardly breathe
Yeah, this old black lung’s got me,‎
But soon I’ll be free
Set my lantern in the window,‎
Give my love to Marie.‎

inviata da Dead End - 5/9/2012 - 15:26

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