

Harry Rogers
Lingua: Inglese

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Our Little Soldier
(Harry Rogers)
Always Coming Home
(Harry Rogers)
Meeting Maria
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“Our Little Soldier” – Twelve song cycle about the futility, agony and ubiquity of war. I hope to record this as an album at some time and also do a couple of performances of it with a few friends.

Introduction - Our Little Soldier - Become a Cadet - Meeting Maria - Don’t Volunteer (Song of Maria) - Sergeant Major Grandad -The Children in the Queue - Dying for Love - Joining Up Today - Always Coming Home - Bombardier - Son

A Soldier’s Life From Childhood To Death.

Harry seeing Red

Open with laid back funereal music playing

Two women standing in the street watching the family leave a house for a funeral, they start talking:-
1st Woman – It’s such a shame ain’t it? He was only just turned twenty.
2nd Woman – I know that’s no age at all really. He was such a good looking boy too, just like his dad.
1st Woman – I can still remember him when he was little, running around in that soldier suit that he got that Christmas when it snowed a lot.
2nd Woman – Yeah, I remember, he was mad for it, I suppose he was kind of destined to be in the Army.
1st Woman – Well it was a family thing I believe, soldiering goes back generations with his family.
2nd Woman – It’s his mother and his girlfriend I feel sorry for.
1st Woman – I know, it seems such a terrible waste of a life……
2nd Woman – They’re leaving now for the funeral, I best be off, see you later.
1st Woman – Yes OK…………see you later………

Music fades as cars start and drive away.

inviata da DonQuijote82 - 22/8/2012 - 13:00

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