
Green Rolling Hills

Utah Phillips
Lingua: Inglese

Utah Phillips

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Una delle più famose canzoni country dedicate alla Virginia, scritta da Utah Phillips ma resa celebre ‎nell’interpretazione di Emmylou Harris, che la incluse nel suo disco “Quarter Moon in a ‎Ten Cent Town”‎


In una miniera della Virginia o nella fabbrica di un’affollata città del nord, è sempre la stessa ‎‎“troubled life”…‎
The green rolling hills of West Virginia
Are the nearest place to heaven that I know
Though the times are sad and drear
And I cannot linger here
They will keep me and never let me go

My daddy said don't ever be a miner,
A miner's grave is all you'll ever own.
Never have a dime to spare,
Hard times everywhere,
Now these times they are the worst I've ever known.

The green rolling hills of West Virginia
Are the nearest place to heaven that I know
Though the times are sad and drear
And I cannot linger here
They will keep me and never let me go

I'll move away into some crowded city,
In a northern factory town you'll find me there;
Though I leave my heart behind,
I will never change my mind,
For this troubled life is more than I can bear

The green rolling hills of West Virginia
Are the nearest place to heaven that I know
Though the times are sad and drear
And I cannot linger here
They will keep me and never let me go

Some day I'll go back to West Virginia,
To the green rolling hills I love so well,
Some day I'll go home, I know I'll right this wrong,
These troubled times will follow me no more.‎

inviata da Dead End - 21/8/2012 - 11:29

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