
I'm Diggin You (Like an Old Soul Record)‎

Meshell Ndegeocello
Language: English

Meshell Ndegeocello

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Album “Plantation Lullabies”‎

Una canzone in cui l’autrice confronta la “black consciousness” degli anni 60 e 70 con quella dei ‎‎90, l’attivismo - anche radicale – ma pieno d’amore e di soul di un tempo e la distruzione e l’odio ‎disperati e fine a sé stessi dei “Los Angeles Riots” del 1992…‎

Fra l’altro, Rodney King, il cui pestaggio selvaggio da parte della polizia di Los Angeles fu la ‎scintilla che fece scatenare la rivolta (più precisamente, quando i poliziotti incriminati furono ‎assolti), è morto solo qualche settimana fa all’età di 47 anni e ancora non si sa nemmeno bene cosa ‎l’abbia ucciso…‎
Just sit back and. Relax.
Listen to the 8-track
I'll dig you like an old soul record

Remember back in the day
When everyone was black and conscious.
And down for the struggle.
Love brought us all together.
Just sittin'back and talkin'.
Cultivating a positive vibe.
Blue lights in the basement.
Freedom was at hand and you could just taste it.
Everything was cool. Diggin'on me diggin'on you.
Everything was cool and brothers were singing
‎"Ain't no woman like the one I got"

I'm diggin'you
I dig you like an old soul record.
Just sit back. Relax. Listen to the 8-track.
I'll dig you like an old soul record.

Now brothers (be) base-in.
Running from the beat-down cops that be chasin'.
Running out of time. Running out of patience.
In this war of the conscious mind.
I need some black-on-black love.
A slow grind for these changin'times (the booty-slammin'part!)

Beautiful brown bodies. Pimp, switch and sway.
To the soulful sounds. Gotta get up gotta get down.
‎'Cause you give me good feeling.
You give me good feeling. Yes you do.

I'm diggin'you
I dig you like an old soul record.
Just sit back. Relax. Listen to the 8-track.
I'll dig you like an old soul record.‎

Contributed by Dead End - 2012/8/16 - 12:00

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