Mr. Chairman, please
Point of order, please, point of order, please
Can I finish, please?
I've got those Senator McCarthy, Chairman Mundt,
McLellen, Potter, Senator Dirksen Blues
Because my gal won't leave her TV set,
I think that she's about to blow her fuse
I've got those open session, closing session,
End the session, no confession blues
I've got the Secretary Stevens,
Don't remember, just can't place it blues
I've got those mitsa meya, mama mia,
(Mr. secretary, please!)
Sorry Senator, I was in Korea blues
I've got those hey, reporter, no recorder,
Close the border (point of order!) blues
And she's got the dishes in the sink,
And her floor ain't mopped, too
She's got the washin' in the washer
She don't care what DUZ will do (*)
‘Cause once she that Welch get with those legal torts
She just yells, "Beat me, daddy ‘till I'm a habeas corpse."
Can I finish? Can I, can I finish, please?
Can you finish? Look, I've got those Senator McCarthy,
I, I've just, I've got those blues ‘till I can burst
Now, I don't know what it's all about
Or where or when or who's on first?
Can I finish, I'd like to say something please
I've got the stop the babble, let's play Scrabble,
Mommy, mommy where's the Commie blues
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, please!
I've got those Senator McCarthy,
Listen gal you're husband's getting jealous blues
Now you better do a little house work
Or there's a certain man you're gonna lose
So better turn off those hearings
Before your man gets touchy
And be content to spend the day
With Groucho Marx and Liberace
Oh, here's the moral of the story
And this you ought to know
A good man of your own
Is better than a daytime TV show
Now if you got your man
McCarthy sure won't mind
Can I finish, can I finish?
I'm finishing, it's the finish to the program called "What's My Shine?"
This record is adjourned until 10:30 tomorrow
Is that all, Senator?
Can I finish, please, can I finish?
Oh, not again. Oh!
I'd like finish, can I finish? I'd like to finish, Can I finish, please?
We're finished
Mr. Chairman, please
Point of order, please, point of order, please
Can I finish, please?
I've got those Senator McCarthy, Chairman Mundt,
McLellen, Potter, Senator Dirksen Blues
Because my gal won't leave her TV set,
I think that she's about to blow her fuse
I've got those open session, closing session,
End the session, no confession blues
I've got the Secretary Stevens,
Don't remember, just can't place it blues
I've got those mitsa meya, mama mia,
(Mr. secretary, please!)
Sorry Senator, I was in Korea blues
I've got those hey, reporter, no recorder,
Close the border (point of order!) blues
And she's got the dishes in the sink,
And her floor ain't mopped, too
She's got the washin' in the washer
She don't care what DUZ will do (*)
‘Cause once she that Welch get with those legal torts
She just yells, "Beat me, daddy ‘till I'm a habeas corpse."
Can I finish? Can I, can I finish, please?
Can you finish? Look, I've got those Senator McCarthy,
I, I've just, I've got those blues ‘till I can burst
Now, I don't know what it's all about
Or where or when or who's on first?
Can I finish, I'd like to say something please
I've got the stop the babble, let's play Scrabble,
Mommy, mommy where's the Commie blues
Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman, please!
I've got those Senator McCarthy,
Listen gal you're husband's getting jealous blues
Now you better do a little house work
Or there's a certain man you're gonna lose
So better turn off those hearings
Before your man gets touchy
And be content to spend the day
With Groucho Marx and Liberace
Oh, here's the moral of the story
And this you ought to know
A good man of your own
Is better than a daytime TV show
Now if you got your man
McCarthy sure won't mind
Can I finish, can I finish?
I'm finishing, it's the finish to the program called "What's My Shine?"
This record is adjourned until 10:30 tomorrow
Is that all, Senator?
Can I finish, please, can I finish?
Oh, not again. Oh!
I'd like finish, can I finish? I'd like to finish, Can I finish, please?
We're finished
Contributed by Bartleby - 2012/5/14 - 12:06
(*) DUZ, celebre marca di un detersivo il cui slogan era "DUZ does everything!"
(*) DUZ, celebre marca di un detersivo il cui slogan era "DUZ does everything!"
Bartleby - 2012/5/14 - 12:06
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Hal Block con la Tony Borrello Orchestra
Tersto trovato su Atomic Platters
Esilarante canzoncina con cui Hal Block – pioniere nell’ideazione di programmi e giochi televisivi, presto silurato per il suo anticonformismo – si prendeva gioco del circo mediatico messo su da Joseph McCarthy quando, all’inizio degli anni 50, il senatore repubblicano – ossessionato dai “rossi” quasi come oggi il nostro Silvio Berlusconi - si era lanciato in una personale, delirante crociata anticomunista e vomitava le sue accuse fraudolente e farneticanti nelle case di milioni di americani incollati alla TV che trasmetteva senza sosta le pruriginose e velenose audizioni del “Tydings Committee”. Ma proprio nel 1954 McCarthy fu sconfessato dallo stesso Senato, la sua carriera di “cacciatore di streghe” terminò e pochi anni più tardi morì alcolizzato..
In questo brano l’ironico autore immagina un povero marito che si rivolge alla commissione lamentandosi che la moglie non adempie più ai doveri coniugali e alle faccende domestiche perché totalmente assorbita dagli “hearings” trasmessi in TV…