
Kitchen Police (Poor Little Me)

Irving Berlin
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by Irving Berlin
Album: Songs of the Great War by Irving Berlin


Copyrighted September 19, 1918. Introduced as “Poor Little Me” in the Ziegfeld Follies of 1918. Sung by sergeant Irving Berlin and chorus in Yip, Yip, Yaphank.
The songs is a bit of an enigma for us as finding a copy with a cover image has proven to be an endless quest. Even searching library collections as far away as the Australian National Library has left us empty handed. Aside from its connection to Yip, Yip, there seems to be little information available to tell us more about the song. Therefore, we shall let the song's lyrics speak for themselves.
The lament of the soldier assigned to KP (Kitchen helper, usually perceived as punishment) has been the source of a great deal of military humor.
Once again, it was Irving Berlin who first introduced us to the misery of K.P...
There's dirty work to be done in the army
And it's not much fun..
It's the kind of work that's done
Without the aid of a gun.
The boys who work with the cooks in the kitchen
Holler out for peace
For they have to do the dirty work
And, they're called the Kitchen Police..

Poor little me, I'm on K.P.
I scrub the mess hall upon bended knee
Against my wishes
I wash the dishes
To make this wide world
safe for Democracy..

Against my wishes
I wash the dishes
To make this wide world
safe for Democracy..

inviata da giorgio - 2/5/2012 - 16:46

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