
Light in the Black

Lingua: Inglese


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Lyrics & Music by Joakim Brodén and Pär Sundström
Album: Attero Dominatus
Attero Dominatus
Sent into battle to aid strangers in need
Gain independence, our forces will lead
Final solution when all others have failed
Liberation is coming our path has been laid

We remember the fields, where our tanks held the line
We remember our brothers in arms..

When the war, has been won
And our march home begins
What awaits has not yet been revealed..
What was won? what was lost?
Will our deeds be remembered?
Are they written on stone or in sand?..

Marching ashore, our target awaits
Facing resistance, forces driven by hate
Protecting civilians, while fired upon
Rules of engagement, our restrictions are gone..

We remember the fields, where our tanks held the line
We remember our brothers in arms..

When the war, has been won
And our march home begins
What awaits has not yet been revealed
What was won? what was lost?
Will our deeds be remembered?
Are they written on stone or in sand..

Leaving home, set to sea
Was this really meant to be?
See the shore of our home fade away..
Facing blood, facing pain
Have our brothers died in vain?
Many lives has been lost on the way..

When the war, has been won
And our march home begins
What awaits has not yet been revealed
What was won? what was lost?
Will our deeds be remembered?
Are they written on stone or in sand !

inviata da giorgio - 11/4/2012 - 19:15

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