
What Did We Die for ?

Left Ear Blind
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by Paddy Mac and CW Crisman


Powerful lyrics about the plight of the Sioux tribe of North America. Strong acoustic and electric guitar with synths and drums.
The Wounded Knee Massacre was the last major armed conflict between the Lakota Sioux and the United States.
On a full moon,
When the grass grew high,
I watched my father die,
I watched him die of a broken heart,
His people, his land pulled apart.
What did he die for?
When my father sang,
My father sang about our birth,
That we were the first to live on the new earth.
While the sky, and the wind and the seasons change,
And always come back to begin again.
But I know now,
That even I will die,
For nothing lives forever,
But the earth and sky.

When I followed you to the edge of town,
Where you left all I had,
Burned to the ground,
I asked why did you pull down all the trees?
And, would you bury my heart.. at Wounded Knee?
You said, what did we die for?
In the years and months that followed,
I talked to your great father,
But his promise of peace rang hollow,
And he moved us far away..
He pushed us to a trail of tears,
A trail of tears that lasted years.
And we sang...
The father will descend,
And the earth will tremble,
Arise, stretch out your hands to the rising spirit army,
The whole world is moving onward,
All are standing, watching,
Let us pray,
And sing the ghost dance,
For the spirit host is advancing,
We are coming to the new Earth…

inviata da giorgio - 5/4/2012 - 14:20

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