

Eval Herz
Langue: anglais

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Lyrics & Music by Evan Herzoff

A song for the martyrs, including those who never got a silhouette, and those who never will.
Oh, – how I wish I was dead
And my slice of the pie you'll be fed
To fill the spaces of the holes in your head
From your faith in all the lies you've been fed

Martyrdom is better than living in the lather
stained with soap scum from your bed

Oh, – how I love to eat
Slabs of red and bloody meat
Followed by a rock and a whiskey shot
The politics of self-defeat

Martyrdom is better than living in the lather
stained with fungus from your feet

Oh, – how you think yourself a god
A contestant on the Iditarod
No way that your behavior could be flawed
Like that selfless little shit in Herald and Maude..

Martyrdom is better than living in the lather
stained with mindless chatter from your iPod

Oh, –how you must wish I was dead
And could be resurrected in your head
A whipping-boy atonement
for your sins instead
A protagonist from all the books you never read

Martyrdom is better than living in the lather
full of deadly spiders from your tool shed

Oh, – how I wish that you were dead
It's about time the smaller fish were fed
In my face you wave a banner striped with red
Just before I fill your guts full of lead

Martyrdom is better than listening to the blather
spewing from Glenn Beck's tiny head

Martyrdom is better and you know that
I'd much rather listen to the tiny fish being fed..

envoyé par giorgio - 29/3/2012 - 08:35

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