
Get Ourselves Together

Delaney & Bonnie
Lingua: Inglese

Delaney & Bonnie

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Scritta da Delaney e Bonnie Bramlett e Carl Radle
Album "Accept No Substitute" del 1969
Interpretata anche da The Staple Singers e The Flying Burrito Brothers.

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We got to get ourselves together
Take some time and talk it over
We've got to get ourselves together
Try and understand each other

The time is come, it's now or never
We must not wait until it's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone

Lately, it seems like every thing's gone wrong
Misunderstandings about who's right and who's wrong
I don't know if I can stand it
Why didn't it work out, people
Worked out the way we planned it

We've got to get ourselves together
Take some time and talk it over
We got to get ourselves together
Try and understand each other

The time is come, it's now or never
We must not wait until it's gone
Gone, gone, gone, gone

So many things we've never talked about
We thought we had everything worked out
Can one man be right all the time?
This world is so confused, how could we be so blind?

We've got to get ourselves together
Take some time and talk it over
We got to get ourselves together
Try and understand each other

We got to get ourselves together
Take some time and talk it over
We got to get ourselves together, yeah
Try and understand each other

inviata da Bartleby - 15/3/2012 - 15:32

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