
Joe McCarthy's Ghost

Language: English


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Nell’Ep “Paranoid Time”‎
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Paranoid Time

Una canzone in cui si sostiene che la “caccia alle streghe comuniste” scatenata nel secondo ‎dopoguerra dal senatore McCarthy sia ancora in corso all’affacciarsi degli anni 80, tempi dominati ‎da cowboy fascistoidi e paranoici…‎
Can you really be sure of the goddamn time of day?
Can you take the dirt from the fist of a foreigner?
Are you going to fight when they call out your number?
Can you toe the line? Can you repeat what you've been told?
Can you bite the bullet? Can you see the enemy?
Can you point the finger? Can you prove your loyalty?
Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy!
Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy Joe McCarthy!

Contributed by Bartleby - 2012/3/7 - 15:06

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