
Food for Thought

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signing off

Primo singolo dal primo album degli UB40, lo storico “Signing Off”, quello che ha in copertina il ‎fac-simile dell’Unemployment Benefit Attendance Card, il modulo giallo siglato UB40 per la ‎richiesta del sussidio di disoccupazione.‎

Una canzone che fu scritta nel Natale del 1979 per sensibilizzare la grassa opinione pubblica ‎occidentale sul dramma della fame in Etiopia.‎
Quella che segue è una foto del reporter Seamus Murphy. E’ stata scattata in Etiopia, ma non nel ‎‎1980 bensì 20 anni dopo…‎

Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.
Barren is her bosom, empty as her eyes,
Death a certain harvest scattered from the skies.

Skin and bones is creeping, doesn't know he's dead.
Ancient eyes are peeping, from his infant head.
Politician's argue sharpening their knives.
Drawing up their Bargains, trading baby lives.

Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.

Hear the bells are ringing, Christmas on it's way.
Hear the angels singing, what is that they say?
Eat and drink rejoicing, joy is here to stay.
Jesus son of Mary is born again today.

Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.
Ivory Madonna dying in the dust,
Waiting for the manna coming from the west.‎

inviata da Bartleby - 1/3/2012 - 08:20

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