
Madam Medusa

Lingua: Inglese


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signing off

Nell’album “Signing Off”, quello che ha in copertina il fac-simile dell’Unemployment Benefit ‎Attendance Card, lo storico modulo giallo siglato UB40 per la richiesta del sussidio di ‎disoccupazione.‎
Poi anche nel film musicale “Urgh! A Music War” diretto da Derek Burbidge, con una colonna ‎sonora piena zeppa di artisti inglesi della scena punk-rock, new-wave e post-punk.‎

Ma chi sarà mai questa “Madam Medusa with marble smile and bloody footsteps”? Beh, non può ‎esserci alcun dubbio…‎

‎“Run for your life before she eat you alive!”‎

Scopro che la canzone fu scritta dagli UB40 insieme al folksinger scozzese Ian Campbell...

From the land of shadows
Comes a dreadful sight
Lady with the marble smile
Spirit of the night
See the scourge of innocence
Swinging in her hand
Hear the silent suffering
That echoes through the land

From the tombs of ignorance
Of hate and greed and lies
Through the smoke of sacrifice
Watch her figure rise
The sick the poor the old
Basking in her radiance
Men of blood and gold

In her bloody footsteps
Speculators prance
Men of dreams are praying
For that second chance
Round her vacant features
Gilded serpents dance
Her tree of evil knowledge
Sprouts a special branch

Madam Medusa
Madam Medusa
Madam Medusa

Knock her right down
And then she bounce right back
Knock her right down
And then she bounce right back
She gone off her head
We've got to shoot her dead
She gone off her head
We've got to shoot her dead
Run for your life before she eat you alive
Run for your life before she eat you alive
Move out of the way 'cause you're blocking out the day
Move out of the way 'cause you're blocking out the day

inviata da Bartleby - 1/3/2012 - 08:00

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