
What Are We Waiting On?‎

Woody Guthrie
Lingua: Inglese

Woody Guthrie

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Parole e musica di Woody Guthrie
In “The Asch Recordings, Vol. 3”, Smithsonian Folkways, 1999.‎


‎“Che cosa stiamo aspettando ad abbattere i fascisti?”‎
Tutt’altro che una canzone contro la guerra, anzi. Ma non si riferisce tanto all’intervento militare ‎americano nel secondo conflitto mondiale (quando Guthrie la scrisse gli USA erano già in guerra da ‎alcuni mesi) quanto alla mobilitazione delle masse lavoratrici del mondo contro la minaccia ‎fascista. Per questo ritengo che possa essere inserita a buon diritto fra le CCG/AWS.‎
There's a great and a bloody fight 'round this whole world tonight
And the battle, the bombs and shrapnel reign
Hitler told the world around he would tear our union down
But our union's gonna break them slavery chains
Our union's gonna break them slavery chains ‎

I walked up on a mountain in the middle of the sky
Could see every farm and every town
I could see all the people in this whole wide world
That's the union that'll tear old Hitler down
That's the union that'll tear the fascists down ‎

When I think of the men and the ships going down
While the Russians fight on across the dawn
There's London in ruins and Paris in chains
Good people, what are we waiting on?
Good people, what are we waiting on? ‎

Yes, I thank the Soviets and the mighty Chinese vets
Allies the whole wide world around
To the battling British, thanks, you can have ten million Yanks
If it takes 'em to tear the fascists down, down, down
If it takes 'em to tear the fascists down ‎

But when I think of the ships and the men going down
While the Russians fight on across the dawn
There's London in ruins and Paris in chains
Good people, what are we waiting on?
Good people, what are we waiting on? ‎

So I thank the Soviets and the mighty Chinese vets
Allies the whole wide world around
To the battling British, thanks, you can have ten million Yanks
If it takes 'em to tear the fascists down, down, down
If it takes 'em to tear the fascists down

inviata da Bartleby - 13/2/2012 - 08:47

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