
Jesus Christ

Woody Guthrie
Langue: anglais

Woody Guthrie

Liste des versions

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Testo trovato su The Official Woody Guthrie Website.‎
Sulla musica di Jesse James
Nell’album “This Land Is Your Land - Asch Recordings, Vol. 1”, Smithsonian Folkways 1997.‎

This Land Is Your Land - Asch Recordings, Vol. 1

Il Vangelo secondo Matteo, Pier Paolo Pasolini
Il Vangelo secondo Matteo, Pier Paolo Pasolini
Jesus Christ was a man who traveled through ‎the land
A hard-working man and brave
He said to the rich, "Give your money to the ‎poor,"
But they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

Jesus was a man, a carpenter by hand
His followers true and brave
One dirty little coward called Judas Iscariot
Has laid Jesus Christ in His Grave

He went to the preacher, He went to the sheriff
He told them all the same
‎"Sell all of your jewelry and give it to the poor,"
And they laid Jesus Christ in His grave.‎

When Jesus come to town, all the working folks ‎around
Believed what he did say
But the bankers and the preachers, they nailed ‎Him on the cross,
And they laid Jesus Christ in his grave.‎

And the people held their breath when they ‎heard about his death
Everybody wondered why
It was the big landlord and the soldiers that they ‎hired
To nail Jesus Christ in the sky

This song was written in New York City
Of rich mans, preachers, and slaves
If Jesus was to preach what He preached in ‎Galilee,
They would lay poor Jesus in His grave.‎

envoyé par Bartleby - 10/2/2012 - 10:36

Langue: italien

Tentativo di traduzione italiana di Bartleby.

Gesù Cristo era un uomo che viaggiò sulla terra
un gran lavoratore e coraggioso
Disse al ricco, “Dai i tuoi beni al povero”
Ma quelli gettarono Gesù Cristo nella tomba.

Gesù era un uomo, un falegname
i suoi seguaci sinceri e senza paura
solo uno sporco piccolo codardo chiamato ‎Giuda Iscariota
fece gettare Gesù Cristo nella tomba‎

Egli andò dal sacerdote, andò dallo sceriffo
e disse a tutti la stessa cosa:‎
‎“Vendi tutti i tuoi gioielli e dai il ricavato al ‎povero”‎
E quelli gettarono Gesù Cristo nella tomba

Quando Gesù venne in città, tutta la gente umile ‎che lo seguiva
credette a ciò che egli andava dicendo
Ma i banchieri e i sacerdoti, quelli lo ‎inchiodarono alla croce
Loro gettarono Gesù Cristo nella tomba

E la gente rimase col fiato sospeso quando ‎appresero della sua morte.‎
Tutti si chiesero perché
fossero stati il grande ‎possidente e i soldati al suo soldo
ad inchiodare Gesù Cristo contro il cielo.‎

Questa canzone è stata scritta a New York City
anche qui ci sono i ricchi, i sacerdoti e gli ‎schiavi.‎
Se Gesù fosse venuto qui a dire quel che predicò ‎in Galilea
Anche qui avrebbero gettato il povero Gesù ‎nella tomba.

envoyé par Bartleby - 10/2/2012 - 10:37

Langue: anglais

La versione di Bob Dylan del 1960, dai cosiddetti “The Minnesota Hotel Tapes”.‎

Jesus Christ was a man that traveled through this land;
A carpenter, true and brave;
Said to the rich, "Give your goods to the poor",
So they laid Jesus Christ in His grave. ‎

Jesus was a man, a carpenter by hand;
Carpenter true and brave;
And a dirty little coward called Judas Iscariot
Laid Jesus Christ in His grave. ‎

The people of the land took Jesus by the hand,
They followed Him far and wide;
‎"I come not to bring you peace, but a sword",
So they killed Jesus Christ on the sly. ‎

He went to the sick, he went to the poor;
And he went to the hungry and the lame;
Said that the poor would one day win this world,
And so they laid Jesus Christ in His grave. ‎

They nailed Him there to die on a cross in the sky,
In the lightning, the thunder and the rain.
Judas Iscariot committed suicide
When they laid poor Jesus Christ in his grave. ‎

One day Jesus stopped at a rich man's door.
‎"What must I do to be saved?"
‎"You must take all your goods and give it to the poor",
And so they laid Jesus Christ in His grave. ‎

They nailed Him there to die on a cross in the sky,
In the lightning, the thunder and the rain.
Judas Iscariot committed suicide
When they laid poor Jesus Christ in his grave. ‎

When the love of the poor shall one day turn to hate,
When the patience of the workers gives away;
‎"Would be better for you rich if you never had been born",
So they laid Jesus Christ in His grave. ‎

This song was written in New York City,
Of rich man, preachers, and slaves;
Yes, if Jesus was to preach like He preached in Galillee,
They would lay Jesus Christ in His grave. ‎

envoyé par Bartleby - 10/2/2012 - 10:37

Langue: italien

Traduzione italiana della versione di Dylan, a cura di Michele Murino, da ‎‎Maggie’s Farm

Gesù Cristo era un uomo che viaggiò attraverso questa terra.
Un falegname, sincero e coraggioso.
Disse al ricco: "Dà i tuoi beni ai poveri."
Così misero Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

Gesù era un uomo, un falegname;
un falegname sincero e coraggioso;
ed un piccolo sporco codardo chiamato Giuda Iscariota
fece finire Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

La gente di quelle terre prese Gesù per mano,
Lo seguirono in lungo e in largo;
‎"Non sono venuto a portarvi pace, ma una spada",
così uccisero Gesù Cristo in segreto. ‎

Egli andò dal malato, andò dal povero,
e andò dall'affamato e dallo zoppo;
disse che i poveri un giorno avrebbero ottenuto questo mondo.
Così misero Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

Lo inchiodarono lì a morire su una croce contro il cielo,
sotto i lampi, i tuoni e la pioggia.
Giuda Iscariota si suicidò
quando misero il povero Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

Un giorno Gesù si fermò alla porta di un ricco.
‎"Cosa devo fare per salvarmi?"
‎"Devi prendere tutti i tuoi beni e donarli ai poveri."
E così misero Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

Lo inchiodarono lì a morire su una croce contro il cielo,
sotto i lampi, i tuoni e la pioggia.
Giuda Iscariota si suicidò
quando misero il povero Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

Quando l'amore dei poveri si trasformerà un giorno in odio,
quando la pazienza dei lavoratori finirà,
‎"Sarà meglio per voi ricchi non esser mai nati."
Così misero Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

Questa canzone è stata scritta a New York City,
città di ricchi, predicatori e schiavi.
Sì, se Gesù avesse predicato qui come fece in Galilea
avrebbero messo Gesù Cristo nella Sua tomba. ‎

envoyé par Bartleby - 10/2/2012 - 10:38

Langue: espagnol

Versione spagnola di Gustavo Sierra Fernández

Jesucristo era un hombre que viajó a través del país
Un trabajador esforzado y valiente
Le dijo al rico, “Da tu dinero al pobre”,
pero llevaron a Jesucristo a Su tumba.

Jesús fue un hombre, un carpintero por su mano
Sus seguidores leales y valientes
Un pequeño sucio cobarde llamado Judas Iscariote
había llevado a Jesucristo a Su tumba.

Fue al predicador, fue al comisario
Les dijo a todos ellos lo mismo
“Vended toda vuestra joyería y dádselo al pobre”,
y llevaron a Jesucristo a Su tumba.

Cuando Jesús llega a la ciudad, toda la gente trabajadora alrededor
creyó en lo que dijo.
Pero los banqueros y los predicadores, lo clavaron en la cruz,
y llevaron a Jesucristo a Su tumba.

Y el pueblo contuvo la respiración cuando oyeron sobre su muerte
Todos se preguntaban el porqué
Fue el gran terrateniente y los soldados que contrataron
para clavar a Jesucristo en el cielo.

Esta canción fue escrita en la ciudad de Nueva York
del rico, el predicador y el esclavo
Si Jesús estuviera para predicar lo que predicó en Galilea,
llevarían al pobre Jesús a Su tumba.

7/4/2012 - 23:46

Langue: anglais

La versione di Merle Haggard

Jesus Christ was a man that traveled through the land
A carpenter true and brave
He said to the rich give your goods to the poor
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

He went to the sick and he went to the poor
And he went to the hungry and the lame
And he said that the meek would inherit the whole world
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

One day Jesus stopped at a rich man’s door
What must I do to be saved
Take all you own and give it to the poor
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

When the love of the poor shall one day turn to hate
When the patience of the workers give away
Would be better for the rich if they never been born
So they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

When Jesus came to town all the working folks around
Believed what he did say
But bankers and preachers nailed him to the cross
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

Well the people held their breath when they heard about his death
And everybody wondered why
Was the landlord and soldiers lawmen there had hired
That nailed Jesus Christ in the sky

We would lay Jesus Christ in the grave Lord Lord
We would lay Jesus Christ in the grave
And if Jesus preached today like he preached in Galilee
We would lay Jesus Christ in his grave

1/9/2016 - 22:58

Langue: anglais

La versione degli U2
dall'album tributo Folkways: A Vision Shared del 1998
One, two, three, four

Well, Jesus was a man who traveled through the land
A hard-working man and brave
Well, he said to the rich, "Give your money to the poor"
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

Well, He went to the preacher, He went to them all
He told them all the same
He said, "Sell all your jewelry and give it to the poor"
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

When Jesus came to town, all the working fools around
Believed what he did say
Well, the bankers and the preachers, they nailed him on a cross
And they laid Jesus Christ in His grave
And fair-working people, they followed him around
The sung and shouted the day
Well, the cops and the soldiers, they nailed him in the air
And they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

Well, this song was written in New York city
A rich man, a preacher, and a slave
Well, if Jesus was to preach what he preached at Galilee
They would lay Jesus Christ in His Grave

One, two, three, four!

Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Halle, hallelujah
Well, they laid Jesus Christ in His grave

17/8/2018 - 20:21

Poveri Cristi
di Natalino Balasso

RV & k.d. - 25/12/2018 - 13:59

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