
Tell John Yoo That Torture Is a Crime!

Vic Sadot
Lingua: Inglese

Vic Sadot

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Lyrics by Victor René Sadot
Music: sung to the tune of "We Shall Not Be Moved"
Album: 9/11 Truth & Justice Songs
9/11 Truth & Justice Songs

Vic Sadot's Crazy Planet Band

This song was a 2009 lyrical update of the Civil Rights era marching and sitting-in song, "We Shall Not Be Moved". The lyrical creation was done by Vic Sadot for the torture accountability movement in Berkeley where John Choon Yoo is a Constitutional Law professor at UC Berkeley.
John Yoo took a leave from teaching during the Bush-Cheney administration and he became infamous for writing legal briefs to justifyin' the use of torture and to claim dictatorial powers for the Presidency. Code Pink Golden Gate Chorus sang on this song recording made by Blair Resse.
Tell John Yoo that we shall not be moved!
Tell John Yoo that we shall not be moved!
Just like a tree that's standing by the river!
We shall not be moved!

We shall not! We shall not be moved!
We shall not! We shall not be moved!
Just like a tree that's standing by the river!
We shall not be moved!

Tell John Yoo that torture is a crime
Tell John Yoo that torture is a crime
Just like the lies that led to war and slaughter
Torture is a crime

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell John Yoo that he shall be removed!
Tell John Yoo that he shall be removed!
Just like pollution dumped into our rivers!
He shall be removed!

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell Eric Holder to prosecute John Yoo!
Tell Eric Holder to prosecute John Yoo!
Just like the Nazis in the Nuremberg trial!
Prosecute John Yoo! [Yooh!]

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell John Conyers to look into these crimes!
Tell John Conyers to look into these crimes!
Just like a brave and law abiding Congressman!
Look into these crimes!

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell Obama justice must prevail!
Tell Obama justice must prevail!
Just like the truth that's marching ever onward!
Put John Yoo in jail!

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell the whole world that torture will be stopped!
Tell the whole world that torture will be stopped!
Just like the wars they wage for corporate empire!
Torture will be stopped!

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell Dick Cheney that he is going to jail!
Tell Dick Cheney that he is going to jail!
Just like a mob of murdering mafia gangsters!
Cheney's going to jail!

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell George Bush that justice will prevail!
Tell George Bush that justice will prevail!
Just like corrupt and craven corporate criminals!
Put George Bush in jail !!

We shall not! We shall not be moved, etc.

Tell the whole world that torture will be stopped!
Tell the whole world that torture will be stopped!
J u s t l i k e t h e w a r s t h e y w a g e f o r c o r p o r a t e e m p i r e !
T O R T U R E W I L L B E S T O P P E D !

inviata da giorgio - 22/1/2012 - 10:08

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