
Minister of War

Joan Baez
Lingua: Inglese

Joan Baez

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Si tratta di un’antica poesia cinese tradotta in inglese dal grande sinologo ed orientalista inglese ‎‎Arthur David Waley. Purtroppo non sono riuscito a ‎risalire né all’originale né all’opera di Waley in cui la traduzione è contenuta.‎
Della Baez il titolo, incluso nell’album di sole poesie recitate e cantate intitolato “Baptism: A ‎Journey Through Our Time” del 1968.‎

Minister of War, we are the king's claws and fangs.
Why should you roll us on from misery to misery,
giving us no place to stop in or take rest?

Minister of War, we are the king's claws and teeth.
Why should you roll us from misery to misery,
Giving us no place to come and stay?

Minister of War, surely you are not wise.
Why should you roll us from misery to misery?
We have mothers who lack food

inviata da Bartleby - 2/1/2012 - 09:54

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