
Freedom Train

Paul Robeson
Langue: anglais

Paul Robeson

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Il grande baritono mise in musica questa celebre riflessione di un altro grande afro-americano, il ‎poeta Langston Hughes, a proposito di un’iniziativa mediatica fortemente voluta dal ‎presidente Truman, un treno con i colori della bandiera che attraversò gli States tra il 1947 ed il ‎‎1949 con l’obiettivo di diffondere i sacri ideali fondanti della Patria… Peccato però che allora molti ‎treni avessero ancora carrozze separate (o, meglio, segregate) per i bianchi e per i neri…‎

Paul Robeson – il negraccio comunistaccio rompiballe - si mise a cantare questa “Freedom Train” ‎ad ogni concerto, ad ogni raduno, ad ogni occasione e ciò imbarazzò non poco l’amministrazione ‎Truman che chiese a J. Edgar Hoover - non il piazzista di aspirapolvere ma il potente capo storico ‎dell’FBI - di mettere Robeson sotto stretta sorveglianza, 24h su 24. E fu così ben sorvegliato che un ‎giorno del 48 all’auto su cui viaggiava il cantante si sfilò una ruota in piena corsa e fu solo per ‎l’abilità del suo autista che Robeson non finì sfracellato…‎
I read in the papers about the Freedom Train
I heard on the radio about the Freedom Train
I seen folks talking about the Freedom Train
Lord, I've been a-waitin for the Freedom Train!‎
Washington, Richmond, Durham, Chatanooga, Atlanta
Way cross Georgia.‎
Lord, Lord, Lord
way down in Dixie the only trains I see's
Got a Jim-Crow coaches set aside for me.‎
I hope their ain't no Jim Crow on the Freedom Train,‎
No back door entrance to the Freedom Train,‎
No sign FOR COLORED on the Freedom Train,‎
No WHITE FOLKS ONLY on the Freedom Train.‎

I'm gonna check up.‎
I'm gonna to check up on this
Freedom Train.‎

Who is the engineer on the Freedom Train?‎
Can a coal-black man drive the Freedom Train?‎
Or am I still a porter on the Freedom Train?‎
Is there ballot boxes on the Freedom Train?‎
Do colored folks vote on the Freedom Train?‎
When it stops in Mississippi, will it be made plain
Everybody's got a right to board the Freedom Train?‎

I'm gonna check up.‎
I'm gonna to check up on this
Freedom Train.‎

The Birmingham station's marked COLORED and WHITE.‎
The white folks go left
The colored go right.‎
They even got a segregated lane.‎
Is that the way to get aboard the Freedom Train?‎

I'm gonna check up.‎
I'm gonna to check up on this
Freedom Train.‎

If my children ask me, “Daddy, please explain
Why a Jim Crow stations for the Freedom Train?”‎
What shall I tell my children?‎
You tell me, cause freedom ain't freedom when a man ain't free.‎
My brother named Jimmy died at Anzio
He died for real, and it wasn't no show.‎
Is this here freedom on the Freedom Train really freedom or a show again?‎
Now let the Freedom Train come zooming down the track ‎
Gleaming in the sunlight for white and black
Not stoppin' at no stations marked COLORED nor WHITE,‎
Just stoppin' in the fields in the broad daylight,‎
Stoppin' in the country in the wide-open air
Where there never was a Jim Crow sign nowhere,‎
And No Lilly-White Committees, politicians of note,‎
Nor poll tax layer through which colored can't vote
And there won't be no kinda color lines
The Freedom Train will be yours‎
And mine.‎
Then maybe from their graves in Anzio
Black men and white will say, “We want it so!‎
Black men and white will say, Ain't it fine?‎
At home they got a Freedom train,‎
A Freedom train,‎
That's yours and mine!”‎

envoyé par Bartleby - 21/9/2011 - 14:21

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