

Antony & The Johnsons
Lingua: Inglese

Antony & The Johnsons

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Atrocities, colonna sonora in una scena del film queer horror “Otto; or Up with Dead People”(2008) del regista canadese Bruce LaBruce.

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La tristezza e l’impotenza di Dio di fronte alle atrocità commesse dagli uomini, anime perdute, nelle loro storie personali così come nella Storia…
God visits all lost souls
to survey the damage
We noticed a bonfire
burning in his eyes

He whispered:
"It's the atrocities of your story,
of your story"

God visits all lost souls
to survey the damage
and holding his bleeding heart
A tear comes to his eye
He whispered:
“It's the atrocities of History,
of History

Then he falls to the floor
For there's many more tears on the sunrise
And now we must eat those tears
Now we must eat our fill
Of the Atrocities
The Atrocities
The Atrocities
The Atrocities

inviata da Bartleby - 25/8/2011 - 12:06

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