
Prison Sex

Lingua: Inglese


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"This song is about recognizing, identifying, the cycle of abuse within yourself. That's the first step of the process: realization; identifying. The next step is to work through it. But this song is about the first step in the process, which is recognizing."
It took me so long to remember just what happened
I was so young and vestal then
You know it hurt me,
But I'm breathing so I guess I'm still alive
Even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
I've got my hands bound and
my head down and my eyes closed,
half closed and wide open

Do unto others, what has been done to me,
Do unto others, what has been done to you?

I'm treading water.
I need to sleep a while.
My lamb and martyr, you look so precious.
Won't you come on up closer,
close enough so I can smell you.
I need you to feel this,
I can't stand to burn too long.
Release in sodomy.
Oh, for one sweet moment I am whole.

Do unto to you now what has been done to me,
Do unto you now what has been done?

You're breathing so I guess you're still alive
even if signs seem to tell me otherwise.
Won't you come on a bit closer,
close enough so I can smell you.
I need you to feel this.
I need this to make me whole.
Release in sodomy.
For I am your witness and
blood and flesh can be trusted
For I am your witness and
blood and flesh can be trusted
And only this one holy medium brings me piece of mind.

Got your hands bound and your head down
your eyes closed.
You look so precious now.

Show me something
I thought I could make it end
Thought I could wash the stains away
Thought I could break the circle if I
Slipped right into your skin
So sweet was your surrender
We have become one
I have become my terror
And you my precious lamb and martyr

I have found some temporary sanity in this
shit, blood, and cum on my hands.

I've...come...round...full circle
My lamb and martyr, this will be over, soon
You look so precious
You look so precious
You look so precious
You look so precious
You look so precious, now
You look so precious...

inviata da anonymous - 8/7/2011 - 03:20

L'anonymous contributore mostra di non capire bene l'inglese e nemmeno si è sforzato più di tanto di trasmettere il senso di questo brano, limitandosi ad un brutale copia incolla che nel testo conserva addirittura un *, rimando a chissà quale nota non riportata.

Prison Sex, fotogramma dal video di Adam Jones.

E comunque la canzone non c'entra nulla con il percorso "Dalle galere del mondo", semmai con quello della "Violenza sull'infanzia". Si tratta infatti di una canzone molto esplicita che l’autore, Maynard James Keenan, riassunse ancora più esplicitamente quando i discografici cercarono di mettere in commercio una maglietta di “Prison Sex” senza l’autorizzazione della band: “Do you know what that song's about? It's about getting fucked in the ass as a little kid.” (intervista ad Adam Jones – altro membro dei Tool e autore del disturbante video ufficiale che accompagnava il brano - a Revolver Magazine.)

La maglietta non fu realizzata.

Bernart Bartleby - 8/6/2015 - 10:59

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