
Why We Build the Wall

Anaïs Mitchell
Langue: anglais

Anaïs Mitchell

Liste des versions

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Anaïs Mitchell feat.Greg Brown
Album: Hadestown


Hadestown is the fourth album by Vermont-based Anaïs Mitchell, and was released by Righteous Babe Records in the U.S. on March 9, 2010. The album, a concept album, follows a variation on the Ancient Greek myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, where Orpheus must embark on a quest to rescue his wife Eurydice from the underworld. It has been advertised as a 'folk opera'.[1] Several of the songs feature singers other than Ms. Mitchell, such as Justin Vernon (better known as lead vocal and guitar from Bon Iver), Ani DiFranco, Greg Brown, and Tanya, Petra and Rachel Haden (referred to in the track listing as 'The Haden Triplets').
Hadestown: A folk opera retelling of the story of Orpheus journey to the underworld to save his wife Eurydice, in the setting of a post-apocalyptic depression era America. Rich with archetypal images and elements, and in the context of the current global economic problems (even though it was written years before the Sept 08 banking crisis), it is more Americana than Greek tragedy, although it closely follows this Orpheus story version. The arrangements, the lyrical story creation, and the players, including Greg Brown as Hades in "Why We Build..." and Ani DiFranco as Persephone in Our Lady of the..." are robust, masterful and immaculate. This recording is destined to be considered a Masterpiece amongst musicians and listeners alike. Hadestown Dusty Wright presents singer/songwriter Anaïs Mitchell at her farm in Vermont performing "Why We Build The Wall". Dusty Wright's One-Takes are a series of live songs by artists you know, should know, or will know very soon...
Why do we build the wall, my children, my children?
Why do we build the wall?
Why do we build the wall?
We build the wall to keep us free
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keep us free..

How does the wall keep us free, my children, my children?
How does the wall keep us free?..
How does the wall keep us free?
The wall keeps out the enemy
And we build the wall to keep us free
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keep us free

Who do we call the enemy, my children, my children?
Who do we call 'The Enemy'?
Who do we call the enemy?
The enemy is poverty
And the wall keeps out the enemy
And we build the wall to keep us free
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keep us free

Because we have and they have not, my children, my children
Because they want what we have got..
Because we have and they have not
Because they want what we have got
The enemy is poverty
And the wall keeps out the enemy
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keep us free..

What do we have that they should want, my children, my children?
What do we have that they should want?..
What do we have that they should want?
We have a wall to work upon
We have work and they have none
And our work is never done,
My children, my children
And the war is never won
The enemy is poverty
The wall keeps out the enemy
And we build the wall to keep us free
That's why we build the wall
We build the wall to keeps us free,
We build the wall to keep us free !

envoyé par giorgio - 27/6/2011 - 08:20

Album: Bridges Not Walls

Billy Bragg, who will play Rivfest in Warrington before heading out to North America for the first leg of his ‘Bridges Not Walls’ tour at the end of September, will release a new single ‘Why We Build The Wall’ on Sept 1st 2017 on the Cooking Vinyl label. ‘Why We Build The Wall’ was written by American singer-songwriter Anais Mitchell as part of her 2010 ‘folk opera’ ‘Hadestown’ (a retelling of the myth of Orpheus & Eurydice set in the Great Depression). The song has taken on a whole new contemporary resonance with Donald Trump’s vow to build a wall between the US and Mexico. Billy first began covering the song on his 2016 ‘Shine A Light’ tour with Joe Henry. ‘Why We Build The Wall’ follows hot on the heels of Billy’s previous single releases ‘King Tide And The Sunny Day Flood’ and ‘The Sleep Of Reason’, which were released in July and August respectively, and have gone down a storm on his recent live shows.

Says Billy: "I first heard Anais Mitchell sing ‘Why We Build The Wall’ at Occupy London in November 2011, standing on the steps of St Paul’s Cathedral. The power of the lyrics struck me then and, in the intervening years, the song has become even more powerful as the mass movement of people from Africa and Asia into Europe, North America and Australia has forced migration onto the political agenda. In 2016, matters came to a head when anti-immigrant sentiment was identified as a prime mover in Britain’s vote to leave the European Union and Donald Trump was elected president after promising to build a wall along the Mexican border. In the coming years, driven by climatic changes in their home countries, more and more people are going to be on the move, looking for a better life for their families. Our children and our grandchildren will judge us on our response to those who come to our door looking for shelter."

25/11/2017 - 23:40

Langue: italien

Mi sono permesso di pensare a una traduzione:

Perché stiamo costruendo il muro, bambini miei?
Perché stiamo costruendo il muro?
Perché stiamo costruendo il muro?
Costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi
Ecco perché costruiamo il muro
Noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi

Come fa il muro a mantenerci liberi, bambini miei?
Come fa il muro a mantenerci liberi?
Come fa il muro a mantenerci liberi?
Il muro tiene lontano il nemico
E noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi
Ecco perché costruiamo il muro
Noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi

E chi è che chiamiamo 'nemico', bambini miei?
E chi è che chiamiamo 'nemico'?
E chi è che chiamiamo 'nemico'?
Il nemico è la povertà
E il muro lascia fuori il nemico
E noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi
Ecco perché costruiamo il muro
Noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi

Perché noi abbiamo e loro non hanno, bambini miei,
Perché vogliono quello che abbiamo noi,
Perché noi abbiamo e loro non hanno,
Perché vogliono quello che abbiamo noi,
Il nemico è la povertà
E il muro lascia fuori il nemico
Ecco perché costruiamo il muro
Noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi

Cos'è che noi abbiamo e loro vogliono, bambini miei?
Cos'è che noi abbiamo e loro vogliono?
Cos'è che noi abbiamo e loro vogliono?
Abbiamo un muro sul quale lavorare
Abbiamo lavoro e loro non ne hanno
E il nostro lavoro non ha mai fine
Bambini miei, bambini miei,
E la guerra non è mai vinta
Il nemico è la povertà
Il muro lascia fuori il nemico
E noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi
Ecco perché costruiamo il muro
Noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi
Noi costruiamo il muro per mantenerci liberi!

envoyé par Marco - 23/1/2018 - 16:08

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