
Freedom for Palestine

One World
Lingua: Inglese

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So many years of catastrophe
More than 6 million refugees
It could be you and your family
Forced from your home and your history

We are the people
And this is our time
Stand up
Sing out
For Palestine

We'll break down the wall
Freedom for Palestine
Demand justice for all
Freedom for Palestine

No matter your faith or community
This is a crime against humanity
Gaza turned into a prison camp
Apartheid wall divide the West Bank

We are the people
And this is our time
Stand up
Sing out
For Palestine

We'll break down the wall
Freedom for Palestine
Demand justice for all
Freedom for Palestine

Enough illegal occupation
Violence and racial segregation
All religious communities unite
Freedom is a human right

We'll break down the wall
Freedom for Palestine
Demand justice for all
Freedom for Palestine

inviata da adriana - 21/6/2011 - 15:08


La prima delle due barche francesi e prima tra tutte la barche della Flotilla è partita questa mattina, lasciando le coste francesi e si trova ora in navigazione. A bordo 40 passeggeri. La Frredom Flotilla è UFFICIALMENTE partita.
Fonte : Freedom Flotilla Italia

adriana - 25/6/2011 - 18:08

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