
Please Save Our Land

Henry Young
Lingua: Inglese

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Inclusa nella raccolta poetica “From Talk to Action: The fight for peace” e scritta da Young per la Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) in occasione della prima marcia che si tenne nel 1958 da Londra ad Aldermaston, sede dell’Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). Negli anni seguenti la manifestazione si svolse invece sul percorso inverso.
Si vedano al proposito, per esempio, There’s Better Things For You, March With Us Today, The Family of Man e Strontium 90 già presenti su questo sito.
Please save our lovely land
Gardens and meadows green
Please save our land
Flowers in spring are bold
Fruit in abundance grows
Corn turns the fields to gold
Please save our land

Share out the wealth to all
Build houses small and tall
And give us peace
Was not our labours sweat
And let our children get
Safe sleep in their familiar bed
Please give us peace

River and lake and stream
Let fish run clear and clean
Please save our land
Keep us from poisoned rain
And let our children gain
Birds, butterflies and bees retain
Please save our land

Though life's with danger filled
Give us the strength to build
Freedom and peace
All men and women here
Hold your hands high and fear
No odds: hold hands for freedom dear
And work for peace

inviata da Bartleby - 15/6/2011 - 15:05

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