
Jarrow Song

Alan Price
Lingua: Inglese

Alan Price

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Album “Between Today and Yesterday”

Dal tastierista degli Animals, una canzone dedicata alla celebre marcia da Jarrow in Tyne and Wear fino a Londra Westminster (480 km) che un paio di centinaia di lavoratori, capitanati dalla suffragette e pasionaria Ellen Wilkinson detta “Ellen La Rossa”, intrapresero nell’autunno del 1936 per protestare contro la disoccupazione e la povertà che attanagliavano il nord est inglese.
La “Jarrow Crusade”, un’iniziativa della base cui si erano opposti anche i vertici del partito laburista di allora, non ottenne nessun miglioramento delle condizioni di vita e di lavoro di quell’angolo di Inghilterra (ai manifestanti fu semplicemente dato qualche soldo perché non dovessero rifarsi i 500 km del ritorno a piedi!) ma gaudagnò al movimento dei lavoratori la simpatia e l’appoggio del paese reale.
My name is Geordie McIntyre,
An' the Bairns don't even have a fire
So the wife says "Geordie, go to London Town!"
And if they don't give us half a chance,
Don't even give us a second glance
Then Geordie, with my blessings, burn them down

Come on follow the Geordie boys,
They'll fill your heart with joy
They're marching for their freedom now
Come on follow the Jarrow lads,
They'll make your heart feel glad
They're singing now, yes now is the hour

My name is little Billy White,
And I know what's wrong and I know what's right
An' the wife says "Geordie, go to London Town!"
An' if they don't give us a couple of bob,
Won't even give you a decent job
Then Geordie, with my blessings, burn them down

Come on follow the Geordie boys,
They'll fill your heart with joy
They're marching for their freedom now
Come on follow the Jarrow lads,
The joy'll make your heart feel glad
They're singing now, yes now is the hour
Well I can hear them an' I can feel them
An' it's as just as if they were here today
I can see them, I can feel them
An' I'm thinking nothing's changed much today

Not all came here to stay their way and die
But they would come and hit you in the eye
Now's the time to realize that time goes on
Nothin' changes, changes, changes

Now I can feel them, I can see them
An' it's as just as if they were here today
I can feel them and I need them
An' I'm thinking nothing's changed much today

Not all that people stay their way and die
But they would come and hit you in the eye
Now's the time to realize that time goes on
And nothin' changes, changes, changes

My name is little Alan Price,
I tried to be nice all of my life
But I'm afraid that up to date it doesn't work
Because when you lay some money down,
The people try to put you down
Now where do I stand, either side or not

Come on follow this Geordie boy,
He'll try and fill your heart with joy
We're marching for our freedom now
Come on follow this Jarrow lad,
He'll try and make your heart feel glad
We're sayin' it now, yes now is the hour.

inviata da Bartleby - 10/6/2011 - 13:17

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