
The Hangin' Tree

The Brandos
Lingua: Inglese

The Brandos

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An angry mob had a man in chains
They were sure he was to blame
A vicious rumor had made the rounds
Was soon well known all over town

Don't you beg for mercy you'll get none here
When you're dead, mister there'll be no tears
Guilt and innocence are all the same
Long as we've got someone to blame

And with each tellin' the story grew
The crimes got worse the threat was true
"He deserves", they screamed "the hangin' tree
For all he's done to you and me"

The hangman's rope and the hangin' tree
Take away the sins from you and me
It's always been that from time to time
We've got to have someone to hang so high

And the seething crowd chanted his name
"By God, let justice be done today"
A man rose to ask "what did he do?"
The cry went up "let's hang him too"

inviata da Daniele Pendezzini - 30/5/2011 - 17:57

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