
Can You Feel It?

The Jackson 5
Lingua: Inglese

The Jackson 5

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Recorded in March 1980 and released in September 1980 as the first track on the album "Triumph".
While not a big hit on the Billboard charts, it became one of the group's most popular anthems for social change and peaceful unity.
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!

If you look around
The whole world's coming together now yeah,
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Feel it in the air
The wind is taking it everywhere yeah,
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!

All the brothers of the world should be
Lovin' each other wholeheartedly.
Yes it's alright, take my message to your brother and tell him twice uh huh
Spread the word who tried to teach the man who is hatin' his brother,
When hate won't do
'cause we're all the same
Yes the blood inside of me is inside of you c’mon

Now tell me!

Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you see what's going down, you can fill it in your bones

Every breath you take,
Is someone's death in another place yeah
Every healthy smile
Is hunger and strife to another child yeah
But the stars do shine
And promising salvation is near this time. Yeah yeah
Can you feel it now,
So brothers and sisters
Shall we know how.

Now tell me!
Can you feel it, tell me can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you see what's going down, you can fill it in your bones

All the children of the world should be
Lovin' each other wholeheartedly
Yes it's alright
Take my message to your brother and tell him twice uh huh
Take the news to the marchin' men
Who are killin' their brothers, when death won't do no no
Yes we're all the same
Yes the blood inside my veins is inside of you yeah yeah yeah yeah

Now tell me!
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!

inviata da Alessandro - 18/4/2006 - 13:35

"Ad un anno dalla morte di Michael Jackson sono state ritrovate 273 canzoni inedite dei 'Jackson Five'. E' quanto riferisce il sito web citando Howard Mann, un imprenditore che acquistando un magazzino di cimeli del gruppo ha scoperto le tracce originali dei pezzi, molte del solo Michael" (AGI, 22 giugno 2010)

Ed ora sono tutti c***i vostri! Non avete voluto pubblicarmi "Beat It" del grande Maicol, eh!?! E allora vi intaserò con le canzoni dei Jackson Five! Vendetta, tremenda vendetta!
Ah, ah, ah!!!
(L'Alieno è tornato!)

non è che forse sono inedite solo perché brutte?... ;-)
ps: adesso l'alieno chi lo tiene più, dopo che gli hanno anche dedicato una traccia all'esame di maturità!

22/6/2010 - 22:27

Brava, kd, continua così, continuiamo a farci del male...
Ma lo sai che "l'ironia è l'arma della borghesia"? Lo diceva già Gaber nel 1972...
Ma tanto io prima o poi t'acchiappo!

L'Alieno - 25/6/2010 - 11:38

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