
The Last Train to Pontiac

Rod MacDonald
Lingua: Inglese

Rod MacDonald

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Il treno non si fermerà più a Pontiac perchè qualcuno lassù ha deciso di risparmiare qualche soldo da destinare al Pentagono il prossimo anno…
Il treno non si fermerà più a Pontiac così le madri faranno ancora più fatica ad andare a lavorare per sfamare i loro figli, mentre quelli lassù hanno nel frattempo deciso di tagliare le tasse alle grandi compagnie, nuovi sussidi federali ai produttori di tabacco e nuove concessioni di sfruttamento delle risorse naturali…
I treni non si fermeranno più a Pontiac, a Montreal, a Milwaukee, a St. Albans perché quelli lassù
devono comprare un altro superbombardiere, pagare gli autisti a banchieri e politici, dare le sovvenzioni al petroliere la cui nave cisterna ha appena ucciso milioni di pesci e di uccelli…

... ma non è proprio quello che tutti voi avete voluto quando siete andati a votare "secondo coscienza"?!?
The last train to Pontiac pulled into the station,
switched off the lights, and cut the engines.
But no passengers came calling, no conductor counted tickets,
for the last train to Pontiac had been declared finished.
Somebody had decided they could save a few million
to pay for that big tax cut and that extra twelve billion
they budgeted for the Pentagon next year.

But isn't that what you wanted when you stood behind that curtain?
Isn't that what you wanted when you pulled on that lever?
Isn't that what you wanted? Well, then
you got exactly what you asked for, didn't you?

The last train to Pontiac sat rusting through the winter
while rich white men debated the future of welfare mothers.
And they said "If a few people starve, it's still worth the difference
if it gets the lazy mothers to get a job to feed their children."
Then they passed a big tax break for the corporate bondholders
and a new federal subsidy for the tobacco growers
and they gave away some prime wilderness to some well-connected developers
and they did away with the agency
that would have kept them from ripping off the public trust.

But isn't that what you wanted when you stood behind that curtain?
Isn't that what you wanted when you voted your conscience?
Isn't that what you wanted? Well, then
you got exactly what you asked for, didn't you?

The last train to Pontiac, the last train to Montreal,
the last train to Milwaukee, the last train through St. Albans
were quieted forever to pay for one superbomber,
or just to please some banker who never travels without his chauffer
or gives a dime when his tanker kills a billion birds and fishes.
he won't watch them close the station, he won't watch them shut the lights off;
he's too busy buying politicians, so they can afford the advertising
so they can afford to tell you how much they're doing for you.

But isn't that what you wanted when you stood behind that curtain?
Isn't that what you wanted when you pulled on that lever?
Isn't that what you wanted when you voted your conscience?
Isn't that what you wanted? Well, then
you got exactly what you asked for, didn't you?

inviata da Bartleby - 16/5/2011 - 11:47

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