Do you mind a question, please sir stay
What was life like in the olden days
Long ago before the war.
Contractors to her Majest's Govemment we were
Dealers in honest trade
There were some mighty queer folk about
But most were honest workers and knew their place
I was a skilled craftsman mark you
The work was hard and the hours they were long
Ah but there was a maiden and her name was Marjorie
Long black hair she had like a gypsy
And the prettist smile I've ever seen
I called her an angel and I was right she was.
Then there was the war
Forging a pathway for freedom,
Using resources we need them
And the life we do condone
Shipped out to Belgium to stop them,
plastered and shelled them,
but lost ground
Bombs and rockets, V2's over London City
And the world at their command
Back in Yeadon, Marjorie stood beneath a factory
I was assured she felt no pain
Withdrawn from Dunkirk in cruisers,
Who cares says I we're all losers
No one wins both sides the victims of our nature
May the future learn
Back in Yeadon, Marjorie died beneath the factory
A Messerschmitt her destiny
You who think the rest are wrong and stand
So tall and feel so strong
Please be sure that you yourself are not mistaken
For the future won't be long
What was life like in the olden days
Long ago before the war.
Contractors to her Majest's Govemment we were
Dealers in honest trade
There were some mighty queer folk about
But most were honest workers and knew their place
I was a skilled craftsman mark you
The work was hard and the hours they were long
Ah but there was a maiden and her name was Marjorie
Long black hair she had like a gypsy
And the prettist smile I've ever seen
I called her an angel and I was right she was.
Then there was the war
Forging a pathway for freedom,
Using resources we need them
And the life we do condone
Shipped out to Belgium to stop them,
plastered and shelled them,
but lost ground
Bombs and rockets, V2's over London City
And the world at their command
Back in Yeadon, Marjorie stood beneath a factory
I was assured she felt no pain
Withdrawn from Dunkirk in cruisers,
Who cares says I we're all losers
No one wins both sides the victims of our nature
May the future learn
Back in Yeadon, Marjorie died beneath the factory
A Messerschmitt her destiny
You who think the rest are wrong and stand
So tall and feel so strong
Please be sure that you yourself are not mistaken
For the future won't be long
envoyé par Bartleby - 26/4/2011 - 11:15
Dall’album d’esordio intitolato “St. Radigunds”
Una canzone in cui la guerra – anche quella contro il nazismo – è vista comunque come una sconfitta per tutti i contendenti, vittime della natura stupida e malvagia dell’uomo, incapace di apprendere dai propri errori.
La storia narrata è ambientata tra Yeadon nello Yorkshire, dove durante la seconda guerra mondiale venivano fabbricati molti gli aerei da guerra inglesi, e Dunkirk, al confine fra Francia e Belgio, dove nel 1940 i tedeschi sbaragliarono il corpo di spedizione inglese ma poi consentirono agli alleati l’evacuazione via mare di oltre 300.000 soldati che diversamente non avrebbero avuto scampo.
Il protagonista parte per andare a combattere in Francia e, mentre torna sconfitto, a Yeadon la sua amata Marjorie muore nel corso di un bombardamento tedesco sulla Avro, la fabbrica bellica dove lavora…