The poor old world is feelin’ sick -
Her temp'rature has jumped.
The doctors have tried ev’ry trick
And won’t admit they’re stumped.
Those atom pills don’t cure her ills,
Her pulse get worse each day -
A dozen grains of friendship
Would make the world okay.
She’s suff’ring from "Greeditis" and
"Aggressionitis" too.
The specialists are all on hand
But don't know what to do.
Those atom pills don’t cure her ills,
Her pulse get worse each day -
A dozen grains of friendship
Would make the world okay.
The pour old world in sick of war
And tired of all the strife.
The poor old world is longing for
A quiet, peaceful life.
Those atom pills don’t cure her ills,
Her pulse get worse each day -
A dozen grains of friendship
Would make the world okay.
Her temp'rature has jumped.
The doctors have tried ev’ry trick
And won’t admit they’re stumped.
Those atom pills don’t cure her ills,
Her pulse get worse each day -
A dozen grains of friendship
Would make the world okay.
She’s suff’ring from "Greeditis" and
"Aggressionitis" too.
The specialists are all on hand
But don't know what to do.
Those atom pills don’t cure her ills,
Her pulse get worse each day -
A dozen grains of friendship
Would make the world okay.
The pour old world in sick of war
And tired of all the strife.
The poor old world is longing for
A quiet, peaceful life.
Those atom pills don’t cure her ills,
Her pulse get worse each day -
A dozen grains of friendship
Would make the world okay.
Contributed by Bartleby - 2011/3/31 - 09:48
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Parole di Hy Zaret
Musica di Lou Singer
Nell’album “Little Songs on Big Subjects” (1950?).
Testo trovato sul sito di Steve Cotler, cantante, cantautore ed educatore statunitense.
Siamo a cavallo tra i 40 e i 50 e i Bachelors, un quartetto vocale maschile di cui oggi si è persa la memoria, riproposero “Little Songs on Big Subjects”, il disco dei Jesters uscito con successo qualche tempo prima. L’unico brano originale del disco, scritto e composto dai soliti Zaret e Singer, era questa canzoncina anti-atomica ed anti-bellica:
“Quelle pillole atomiche non curano le malattie della terra
Il suo battito peggiora di giorno in giorno.
Un bel po’ di pace è quel che ci vorrebbe
Per far stare meglio il mondo”
Fu l’ONU a commissionare al paroliere Hy Zaret (quello di “Unchained Melody” ma anche di The Partisan, l’adattamento inglese della Complainte du partisan) e al compositore Lou Singer una serie di canzoni sul rispetto del prossimo e sulla tolleranza razziale specificamente rivolte al pubblico dei più piccoli. Le canzoncine di Zaret e Singer, affidate gruppi ed artisti come The Jesters, The Bachelors e Leon Bibb & Ronnie Gilbert, furono diffuse a manetta dalle emittenti radiofoniche americane e in televisione (per quei non molti che allora ce l’avevano) furono accompagnate da cartoons appositamente realizzati.