
The Walk

Sawyer Brown
Lingua: Inglese

Sawyer Brown

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The song is a ballad in which the song's narrator tells about his life through walking. In the first verse, he is a boy who is reluctant to walk down the driveway to the school bus and go to school, until he is comforted by his father. In the second verse, the narrator is again comforted by his father after being drafted and sent to fight in Vietnam. By the third verse, the father is now very old and about to die, when is comforted by the narrator with the same words as before.

Down our long dusty driveway
I didn't want to go
But I set out with tears in my eyes wondering
Looked out the school bus and his little man and said
"Don't worry boy it will be all right"

Cause I took this walk you're walking now
Boy, I've been in your shoes
You can't hold back the hands of time
It's just something you've got to do
So dry your eyes I understand just what you're going through
Cause I took this same walk with my old man
Boy, I've been in your shoes

Down our long dusty driveway
I set my mind to go
I was eighteen and wild and free and wondering
Daddy took me by the hand
Looked at the world and his grown man and said
"Don't worry boy it will be all right."

Cause I took this same walk you're walking now
Boy, I've been in your shoes
You can't hold back the hands of time
It's just something you've got do
So dry your eyes I understand just what you're going through
Cause I took this same walk with my old man
Boy, I've been in your shoes

Down our long dusty driveway
This time we both would go
He had grown old and gray
And his mind was wandering
Daddy took me by the hand
Said "I know where we're going and I understand
Don't worry boy, it'll be all right"

Cause I took this same walk you're walking now boy
Boy, I've been in your shoes
You can't hold back the hands of time
It's just something you've got to do
So dry your eyes I understand just what your going through
Cause I took this same walk with my old man
Boy, I've been in your shoes

inviata da Gallant - 25/12/2010 - 04:10

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