
The Battle Rages On

Deep Purple
Lingua: Inglese

Deep Purple

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Tratta dall'album omonimo del 1993.
61U2tkMmEWL. SS500
Been so many words so much to say
Words are not enough to keep the guns at bay
Some live in fear some do not
Some gamble everything on who gets the final shot

Oh don't talk to me of love,
It's obvious it's not enough
Annihilation kill them all
Capitulation watch the mighty fall
The road to glory is lined in red
And though the reason now is gone
The battle rages on

Was it love or hate that got here first
Hate's a habit it's hard to shake the curse
Kill to live and live to die
Human nature you let the strong survive

Oh don't talk to me of love
Be serious it's not enough
Annihilation kill them all
Capitulation watch the mighty fall
The road to glory is lined in red
And trough the reason now is gone
The battle rages on

inviata da Alberto - 20/12/2010 - 21:05

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