
Bigots Scaring Children

Pól Mac Adaim
Lingua: Inglese

Pól Mac Adaim

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Lyrics & Music by Pól Mac Adaim
Album: If We Don't Help Them Now


"This song touches on the Holy Cross situation and the fact that the children are the ones who pay the cost of war.
After witnessing the appalling pictures shown on television of little girls screaming and grasping to their parents while pipes bombs exploded alongside bottles and balloons filled with urine landing around them. I thought making a record of this in song would accompany the suffering those children will endure on a daily basis for a long time to come…"
Let our children go to school, you've broken every human rule
The world sees you -for what you are,
bombing children won't keep you in power
Bigots scaring children is what you are..

All our children want to do is learn,
for education deals with such concerns
Ignorance only breeds fear,
prejudice feeds hate and violence here
It only makes the situation more unclear..

Your demonstration clearly says
Orchestrated by the U.D.A.(1)
Perhaps you think that everyone is blind?
Or because we're slightly different
doesn't mean we have no minds
One day you might realise
that we are all mankind,
but that might take some time..

Let our children go to school, you've broken every human rule
The world sees you for what you are,
bombing children won't keep you in power
Bigots scaring children is what you are

Or maybe YOU -could go to school,
it might teach you a thing or two
That human beings -can be the same,
that doesn't mean our children can be blamed
Bigots just like you should be ashamed,

Bigots just like you should be ashamed.

(1) Fascist Paramilitaries

inviata da giorgio - 17/12/2010 - 15:42

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