Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
I’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep paying
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I know you said
Can’t you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like it
I made my bed and I sleep like a baby
With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’
It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they’d write me a letter
Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
What it is you think I should
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
I’m through with doubt
There’s nothing left for me to figure out
I’ve paid a price
And I’ll keep paying
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I know you said
Can’t you just get over it
It turned my whole world around
And I kind of like it
I made my bed and I sleep like a baby
With no regrets and I don’t mind sayin’
It’s a sad sad story when a mother will teach her
Daughter that she ought to hate a perfect stranger
And how in the world can the words that I said
Send somebody so over the edge
That they’d write me a letter
Sayin’ that I better shut up and sing
Or my life will be over
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
I’m not ready to make nice
I’m not ready to back down
I’m still mad as hell and
I don’t have time to go round and round and round
It’s too late to make it right
I probably wouldn’t if I could
‘Cause I’m mad as hell
Can’t bring myself to do what it is you think I should
What it is you think I should
Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
They say time heals everything
But I’m still waiting
Contributed by Bartleby - 2010/12/9 - 08:42
Note for non-Italian users: Sorry, though the interface of this website is translated into English, most commentaries and biographies are in Italian and/or in other languages like French, German, Spanish, Russian etc.
Album “Taking the Long Way”
Queste tre “pollastrelle del sud” non sono solo belle e brave, ma pure toste!
Questa canzone racconta di quando nel 2003 la loro carriera rischiò di essere seriamente compromessa e le loro stesse vite furono minacciate dal violento attacco che subirono da parte di gruppi di ultra-conservatori. Cos’avevano combinato ‘ste tre belle “gallinelle”? In apertura di un concerto a Londra, loro, texane ed alfiere di quel genere country che nel profondo sud americano è troppo spesso associato alla tradizione “Diopatria&bandiera”, si erano permesse di dire come la pensavano circa l’invasione dell’Iraq da parte delle truppe di Bush, iniziata solo qualche giorno prima. Dal palco Natalie Maines aveva detto: “Giusto perché lo sappiate, ci vergogniamo che il presidente degli Stati Uniti venga dal Texas”. Una frase chiara e forte che costò parecchio alle Dixie Chicks: furono boicottate dalla maggior parte delle radio specializzate, si videro rescindere il contratto pubblicitario con la Lipton, caddero nelle vendite a causa dell’allontanamento di molti fans di fede repubblicana, ricevettero molteplici minacce di morte (“Fareste meglio a stare zitte e cantare, o vi uccideremo”) e furono più volte aggredite e insultate durante i concerti, come quando furono affrontate da una giovane madre che urlava alla figlioletta di pochi anni: “Mandale a fare in culo!”.
La vicenda è anche raccontata in un documentario del 2006 intitolato, significativamente, “Shut Up and Sing”, realizzato dalla pluripremiata grande regista americana Barbara Kopple, quella di “Harlan County U.S.A.” per intenderci.