
Language: Yiddish

List of versions

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איציק װיטענבערג
(Shmerke Katsherginski [Shmerke Kaczerginski] / שמערקע קאַטשערגינסקי)
שפיל זשע מיר אַ לידעלע אין יִידיש
(Henech Kon / חנוך קון)
?צי דאַרף עס אַזױ זײַן
(Kasriel Broydo / קסריאל ברױדו)

Testo di Shmerke Kaczerginski
Musica di Abraham Brudno

Lyrics by Shmerke Kaczerginski
Music by Abraham Brudno

From liner notes to "We are Here - Songs of Remembrance, Hope, and Celbrat", written by the poet after the death of his wife in April 1943. Kaczerginski joined the partisan forces following the liquidation of the ghetto in September '43. After the war he compiled several hundred poems and song lyrics. He survived the war to meet his death in a plane crash. The music is by Abraham Brudno, who, following the liquidation of the ghetto was deported to a concentration camp in Estonia, where he died.

Il testo della canzone in trascrizione latina è ripreso da Zemerl, il portale della canzone Kletzmer in yiddish, ladino (giudeo-spagnolo) e ebraico. Da qui lo abbiamo ricostruito nei caratteri originali yiddish.
איך בלאָנדזשע אין געטאָ
פֿון געסל צו געסל
און קען ניט געפֿינען קײן אָרט
ניטאָ איז מײן ליבער,
װי טראָגט מען אַריבער ?
מענטשן, אָ זאָגט כאָטש אַ װאָרט.
עס לײַכט אױף מײַן הײם איצט
דער הימל דער בלױער
װאָס זשע האָב איך איצט דערפֿון ?
איך שטײ װי אַ בעטלער
בײַ יעטװידן תורה
און בעטל אַ ביסעלע זון.

פֿרילינג, נעם צו מײַן טרױער
און ברענג מײַן ליבסטן
מײַנט טרײַען צוריק
פֿרילינג אױף דײַנע פֿליגל בלױע
אָ, נעם מײַן האַרץ מיט
און גיב עס אָף מײַן גליק.

איך גײ צו דער אַרבעט
פֿאַרבײַ אונדזער שטיבל
אין טרױער, דער טױער פֿאַרמאַכט.
רער טאָג אַ צעהעלטער
די בלומען פֿאַרװעלקטע,
זײ באַנײַנען, פֿאַר זײ איז אױקן נאַכט.
פֿאַר נאַכט אױף צוריקװעגס,
עס נױעט דער טרױער,
אָט דאָ האָסטו ליבסטער געװאַרט.
אָט דאָ אינעם שאָטן
נאָך קענטיק דײַן טראָט איז,
פֿלעגט קושן מיך ליבלעך און צאַרט

פֿרילינג, נעם צו מײַן טרױער
און ברענג מײַן ליבסטן
מײַנט טרײַען צוריק
פֿרילינג אױף דײַנע פֿליגל בלױע
אָ, נעם מײַן האַרץ מיט
און גיב עס אָף מײַן גליק.

ס’איז הי-יור דער פֿרילינג
גאָר פֿרי אָנגעקומען,
צעבליט האָט זיך בענקשאַפֿט נאָך דיר.
איך זע דיך װי איצטער
באַלאָדן מיט בלומען,
אַ פֿרײדיקער גײסטו צו מיר.
די זון האָט פֿאַרגאָסן
דעם גאָרטן מיסט שטראַלן,
צעשפראָצט האָט די ערד זיך אין גרין
מײן טרײער, מײן ליבסטער,
װוּ ביסטו פֿאַרפֿאַלן ?
דו גײסט ניט אַרױס פֿון מײַן זין.

פֿרילינג, נעם צו מײַן טרױער
און ברענג מײַן ליבסטן
מײַנט טרײַען צוריק
פֿרילינג אױף דײַנע פֿליגל בלױע
אָ, נעם מײַן האַרץ מיט
און גיב עס אָף מײַן גליק.

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2006/2/9 - 07:02

Language: Yiddish

Il testo Yiddish in caratteri latini ripreso da Zemerl
Romanized Yiddish lyrics reproduced from Zemerl

Ikh blondzhe in geto
Fun gesl tsu gesl
Un ken nit gefinen keyn ort
Nito iz mayn liber,
Vi trogt men ariber?
Mentshn, o zogt khotsh a vort.
Es laykht af mayn heym itst
Der himl der bloyer
Vos zhe hob ikh itst derfun?
Ikh shtey vi a betler
Bay yetvidn toyre
Un betl a bisele zun.

Friling, nem tsu mayn troyer
Un breng mayn libstn
Maynt trayen tsurik
Friling af dayne fligl bloye
O, nem mayn harts mit
Un gib es op mayn glik.

Ikh gey tsu der arbet
Farbay undzer shtibl
In troyer, der toyer farmakht.
Der tog a tsehelter
Di blumen farvelkte,
Zey vanaynen, far zey iz oykn nakht.
Far nakht af tsurikvegs,
Es noyet der troyer,
Ot do hostu libster gevart.
Ot do inem shotn
Nokh kentik dayn trot iz,
Flegt kushn mikh liblekh un tsart

Friling, nem tsu mayn troyer
Un breng mayn libstn
Maynt trayen tsurik
Friling af dayne fligl bloye
O, nem mayn harts mit
Un gib es op mayn glik.

S'iz hay-yor der friling
Gor fri ongekumen,
Tseblit hot zikh benkshaft nokh dir,
Ikh ze dikh vi itster
Balodn mit blumen,
A freydiker geystu tsu mir.
Di zun hot fargosn
Dem gortn mist shtraln,
Tseshprotst hot di erd zikh in grin
Mayn trayer, mayn libster,
Vu bistu farfaln?
Du geyst nit aroys fun mayn zin.

Friling, nem tsu mayn troyer
Un breng mayn libstn
Maynt trayen tsurik
Friling af dayne fligl bloye
O, nem mayn harts mit
Un gib es op mayn glik.

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2006/2/9 - 07:10

Language: English

Versione inglese (cantabile), ripresa sempre da Zemerl
English (singable) version, also reproduced from Zemerl

I walk through the Ghetto alone and forsaken,
There's no-one to care for me now.
And how can you live when your love has been taken,
Will somebody please show me how?
I know that it's springtime, and birdsong, and sunshine,
All nature seems happy and free,
But loocked in the Ghetto I stand like a beggar,
I beg for some sunshine for me.

Springtime, what good is springtime,
What good is sunshine, when he is away?
Springtime, you shine upon my sorrow, but still tomorrow
Is as bleak as today.

The house that we lived in is now barricaded,
The windows are broken and bare.
The sun is so fierce that the flowers have faded,
They wilt in the wintery air.
Each morning, each evening I have to walk past it,
Hiding my eyes from the sight
The place where you loved me the place where you kissed me,
The place where you held me so tight.

Springtime, what good is springtime,
What good is sunshine, when he is away?
Springtime, you shine upon my sorrow, but still tomorrow
Is as bleak as today.

How thoughtful, how kind of the heavenly powers
To send spring so early this year.
Why thank you for coming, I see you brought flowers
You want me to welcome you here?
They say that the Ghetto is golden and glowing
But sunlight and tears make me blind.
You see, my beloved, how soon they start flowing
I can't get you out of my mind.

Springtime, what good is springtime,
What good is sunshine, when he is away?
Springtime, you shine upon my sorrow, but still tomorrow
Is as bleak as today.

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2006/2/9 - 07:24

Language: English

Ulteriore versione inglese, non cantabile, ugualmente ripresa da Zemerl
Alternative English version, not singable, also reproduced from Zemerl

I wander through the ghetto
From lane to lane
Useless, no solace I find.
My beloved is gone
How can I go on?
Someone, oh say just a word!
My house is aglow now
The sky's like a blue dome
But what is there left in my life?
I stand like a beggar
At each of these doorways
And beg for a little bit of sun

Springtime, please take my sorrow
And bring my loved one,
My dear one back to me.
Springtime, upon your wings of blue
Take my heart with you
And bring love back to me

I go to my work
And pass by our small house
In sadness, the door is closed tight
The days is full of sunlight
But flowers won't bloom now,
They're wilting, for them too it's night
At night when returning
The sadness is burning
Right here love, you waited for me
Right here in the shadows
I still hear your footsteps
You kissed me so passionately

Springtime, please take my sorrow
And bring my loved one,
My dear one back to me.
Springtime, upon your wings of blue
Take my heart with you
And bring love back to me

Springtime, please take my sorrow
And bring my loved one,
My dear one back to me.
Springtime, upon your wings of blue
Take my heart with you
And bring love back to me

Springitme is with us
This year very early
My longing for you is in bloom.
I see you before me
Adorned with spring flowers
Smiling, you will greet me soon
The sun's rays have lit up
The garden with sunlight,
Turning the hard earth to geen.
My dearest, my loved one
Are you gone forever?
I can't get you out of my mind.

Springtime, please take my sorrow
And bring my loved one,
My dear one back to me.
Springtime, upon your wings of blue
Take my heart with you
And bring love back to me

Contributed by Riccardo Venturi - 2006/2/9 - 07:27

Language: Italian

Traduzione italiana / Italian translation / Traduction italienne / Italiankielinen käännös:
Flavio Poltronieri

Vado in giro perso nel ghetto
di strada in strada,
non riesco a trovare riposo,
il mio amore non c'è più.

Io non ce la faccio più,
gente, ditemi qualche cosa,
il cielo riplende
ma a me cosa interessa?

Me ne sto come un povero
accanto ad ogni porta,
chiedo la carità di un poco di sole.

Primavera, porta via la mia tristezza
e restituiscimi il mio amore.
Primavera, sulle tue ali d'azzurro
prendi il mio cuore con te e portalo al mio amore....

Contributed by Flavio Poltronieri - 2020/5/8 - 11:02

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