
Job Well Done

Rob Lincoln
Langue: anglais

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Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

Not traditional Arabic, but an anti-war song about Persian Gulf war that has a middle eastern flavour..
"Job Well Done" was written about the Persian Gulf War. My song title was lifted from the popular headline of the day used as the war concluded. The war accomplished so many wonderful things. Among them it enabled the use of advanced new weaponry in real combat situations. One such weapon I read about sucked oxygen from it's victims using a fiery explosion.

The only comment I received from this song was from a friend of mine in Israel: "In Job Well Done I could hear Pearl Jam doing it with some painful screams and grinding guitar-3.8 In Israel, of course, American intervention in dangerous areas in the middle east are often viewed differently than from the US. What war is to whose interest and at what cost -short term long term. Only arrogance would prompt me to say I am the bearer of the truth more than a grieving family." The only other comment received for this song was was "no comment." The song may have provoked and perhaps irritated a few listeners as it does not conform with most people's thinking. I'm surprised that despite this, it rated so well.
I heard a silence before the planes
Felt it deep in my heart
We are right it is our land that they take
It is their war they start
I can see my little Khalim
With his toy gun running through the street
It's getting dark
It seems a dream
There's a strange intensive heat
Fire in the sky.. (4x)

I feel a dryness in my throat
I'm not going to cry
Dug in deep I smell some smoke
I will survive
I see me and my brother Sharif
Over Baghdad streets we play
It's time for the mask to breath
Allah give me one more day
Fire in the sky.. (4x)

Tell me why.. (3x)

I feel the air being sucked from me
Must get out I'll try
What is this weapon they use cruelly
I don't want to die..

I can see my sweet daughter's face
I can see the old cypress tree
I can see the whole human race
Why can't they see me?

Fire in the sky.. (4x)
Tell me why.. (3x)

envoyé par giorgio - 10/8/2010 - 08:43

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