
Born to Follow

Rob Lincoln
Lingua: Inglese

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Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

Written during the height of the Iraq War. How many US soldiers have died since then?
I wonder how many Iraqi civilians died as a result of this war of choice. Do you?
Charlie was a soldier
He loved his country oh so well
A rather gentle fellow
Thought he'd just give them hell
Willing to give it all his best
Never did think of giving less
Had to get back at those terrorists..

Hassan and Malik now lie in a shallow grave
Someone shot them dead
Though the rest he tried to save
How it made his stomach sick
But sergeant said to make it quick,
Sergeant said they had to do it quick..

Easy to mislead
Though he wasn't shallow
He wanted to believe
But it was so hollow
He was born to follow
Right or wrong..

Charlie's coming home now
He's in a steel box
Had to pay his dues there
Never saw the paradox
Did it all for freedom's claims
never for the oil man's gains
Couldn't bear to see the truth so plain..

Easy to mislead
Though he wasn't shallow
He wanted to believe
But it was so hollow..
He was born to follow
Right or wrong..

inviata da giorgio - 1/8/2010 - 09:06

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