
Who's the Real Terrorist?

Son of Nun
Language: English

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Lyrics by S.o.N./DJ Krimson
Album: Blood and Fire
(Who's the real terrorist? Who's the real terrorist?...)

Son comes with new styles for the new era ­ blank check American brand terror. Pentagon strong arm with carpet bomb shit ­ daisy cutter, Iraqi frame in the gutter- keep closed the shutter cause a-merican eyes shall never visualize Iraqi civilian lives victimized ­ but I spy- a chain reaction between empires in action and terrorists resisting infractions ­ its funny how no food’ll tend to put a dude in a real bad mood, there’s no telling what he could do - yo ­ don’t get me wrong I ain’t saying it’s right ­ I’m saying , don’t be surprised when they come for our life - cause (word) things have a way of getting absurd when the people in charge aint - keeping their word ­ cause no justice no peace is no truer for people in dc than for those that live in the middle east. they want to give peace a chance but when there’s no justice some are forced to take the opposite stance. So who’s the real terrorist, the ones that leave people bleeding or the governments that give’em the reason? After this they’ll probably take me to court for treason ­ giving one more brother one more reason ­ to leave less people on the 3rd rock breathing. ­ in an act of desperation in the absence of freedom

Am I a terrorist if I fight back? ­ no ­ how ‘bout a Indian who takes his land back? ­ no - a union striking for a decent contract -no- George Washington fighting that war way back? Didn’t think so, their so called truth is flawed that’s why we be exposing these frauds

Times that we’re living in be riveting ­the government’s exhibiting fear and we’re giving in ­ code red ­ put the children under the bed ­ in the bomb shelter made out of lead ­ code orange ­ buy plastic and duct tape ­ code white ­ surf internet porn and masturbate ­ code magenta ­ terrorist cells have been found to enter through a pregnant woman’s placenta ­ so kill all kids (even the ones that’s born ­ yup ­ when’d you decide to do that? ­ we just did). Its all in the name of national security, don’t you feel safe without shady kids and civil liberties? no! it’s not democracy if you say you have consent of the governed but don’t include the dissent from the stubborn ­ and I’m stubborn just ask my girlfriend ­ this stick in the mud is real hard to bend and I got a whole lot of friends just like me organize and protest just like me, represent they unions just like me, and raise they middle fingers to the powers that be ­ their arguments are made out of sticks and/but we’re some bad wolves who learned/love to break bricks

Am I a terrorist if I fight back? ­ no ­ how ‘bout a Indian who takes his land back? ­ no - a union striking for a decent contract -no- how bout nat turner with a burner way back (or showing solidarity with people of iraq)? Didn’t think so, their so called truth is flawed that’s why we be exposing these frauds.

Contributed by giorgio - 2010/6/5 - 08:48

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