
Free Palestine

Son of Nun
Lingua: Inglese

Son of Nun

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Lyrics by S.o.N. and DJ Krimson
Album: Blood and Fire

I was born under an apparatus that downgraded
my class status from citizen to subhuman savage,
it's hard to fathom but even harder to manage
I'm a second class citizen in the land of my origin,
forced to forage in a brutal reality
that's devoid of humanity for some semblance of sanity,
where truth is profanity,
and in all actuality
my right to life is considered a travesty,
we can't even bury friends without the threat of
their military showing up to carry out their vendetta,
a policy of extermination against an indigenous population
that's been fighting for emancipation
you want to end the violence?
Then end the occupation
you want to see defiance? Then deny us liberation..

This is Apartheid Palestine
where sniper fire gets showered from Israeli watchtowers.

This is for Haifa, this is for Rafah, this is for Gaza, this is for Balata
This is for Tarek, this is for Basher, this is for Mahmoud, this is for Ta'er,
This is for Fatmeh who was only 7,
and Samer –shot dead at school at the age of 11.
What would you do if you were under occupation,
let them take your freedom or fight for liberation?

Com on!
Long live the freedom fighters of the Intifada fighting for freedom
today cause there might not be a tomorrow.

Give me liberty or death,
'cause I'd rather go out on my feet than on my knees
when I take my last breath.
If you don't get it, you don't get it,
fighting Zionist oppression doesn't make you anti-Semitic
They say our people won't ever be as one,
They say this fight won't ever be done,
They say our rights won't ever be won,
They say the wall can't be undone,
they said that we couldn't make it this far,
I say they don't know who we are
They say a lot of things,
but they only say that shit because they fear the change our organized power brings.
We've gotta keep it together so we can resist the pressure,
forever organizing to counter oppressors
who endeavor to sever the main vein that helps us maintain,
and stay sane in our fight to make change.
Don't let your tax dollars go to making people holler,
killing of our future scholars with Apache Helicopters.
Divest from this racist regime
until it redeems the dreams of those it killed midstream

Divest (x6) from Israel, Divest (x6) from Israel
Divest (x6) from the IDF
Divest (x6) and lets lay apartheid to rest.

Com' on
Long live the freedom fighters of the Intifada fighting
for freedom today cause there might not be a tomorrow.(x4)

Free free Palestine –
Long live Palestine –
Long live the Intifada –
Intifada, Intifada

inviata da giorgio - 5/6/2010 - 08:33

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