
Israeli Wall

Mr Pity
Lingua: Inglese

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Broken Arms
(Mr Pity)
مولود في فلسطين [Nací en Palestina]
(Emel Mathlouthi / آمال المثلوثي)

Lyrics & Music by H. Elbahja and D. Garner
Album: Mr Pity


Palestinian Peoples: History of Pain and Occupation. This song is about the Apartheid Wall in Israel keeping the Palestinian people locked in, no freedom.
50% of sales will go helping the Palestinian children.
Stone curses
In your seams
Siamese entwined
Your brother in Hell..

Ashes scatter
Seas of death
Shores of glory
What a tragic story...

I thought the war was over..
I lost my country,
I lost my life..

This wall before me
I can not comprehend

Pale faces
Frame the corridors
Wide expanses
Break the wall down...

Pale faces
Frame the corridors
Wide expanses
Break down that wall...

The kiss of life is wet
lubricated with pleasure..

No pleasure here
Just bullets flying yeah yeah..

The people are punctured,
their shadows dyeing

Pale faces
Frame the corridors


Pale faces
Frame the corridors
Wide expanses
Break down that wall...

If Christ and Mohammed was here today,
What in God's name would they say?

inviata da giorgio - 3/6/2010 - 19:34

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