

Anne Feeney
Lingua: Inglese

Anne Feeney

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Lyrics & Music by Anne Feeney
Album: Union Maid [2007]
Union Maid

Here's a jug band/swing ode to 'the lowest life form found in nature's lab' - strikebreakers or Scabs!
"I wrote this song for Solidarity Day '91... I was inspired by a New York Daily News striking reporter. In a curious turn of events he ended up inside the building at 3 AM during the height of the strike. He talked about what it was like to see pictures of someone else's kids on the desk he worked at for 22 years. He said it was like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" – that only pod people could come in and do what these scabs were doing".
There's an alien life form been creepin' round my job site
Or there looks almost human - but -something about 'em ain't right
They just cross right over a picket line
Pay no attention to a picket sign
They're called scabs..!

– Scabs… –
The lowest life form found in nature's lab
They've got no brains,
they've got no heart,
Scabs are tearing our communities apart!

They might be reptilian,
The blood flows like ice in their veins
Or extra-terrestrial recyclers
That use shit for brains
Now what does it mean to have the "right to strike"
if companies can do anything they like?
Like using scabs…

– Scabs…
The lowest life form found in nature's lab
They've got no brains,
they've got no heart…
Scabs are tearing our communities apart!

Before we had unions, I'll tell ya conditions were bad
Under-staffed, overworked, underpaid until we finally got mad
But then when we walked out -To protect our rights
They'd just give away our jobs -To those parasites,
To those scabs..

– Scabs…
The lowest life form found in nature's lab
They've got no brains,
they've got no heart,
Scabs are tearing our communities apart!

I could puke watching co-workers turned into weasels and traitors
They must be pod people hatched by those corporate raiders [And inside the traitors
Oh you know our labor law is crazy It's so damn two faced
I haven't been fired, just permanently replaced
by scabs…

– Scabs…
The lowest life form found in nature's lab
They've got no brains,
they've got no heart,
Scabs are tearing our communities apart!

Oh listen to your mama,
this isn't idle gab
You're pretty damn low on the food chain
When you think you've got to grab
Your striking neighbor's job
I guess you gotta be a scab!

inviata da giorgio - 22/5/2010 - 14:56

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