
All Around The Jail House

Ella Mae Wiggins
Langue: anglais

Liste des versions

Peut vous intéresser aussi...

The Mill Mother's Lament
(Ella Mae Wiggins)
Cotton Mill Colic
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The Big Fat Boss and the Workers
(Ella Mae Wiggins)

Tune: “All Around the Water Tank, Waiting for a Train.”

Una delle canzoni scritte dall’operaia e sindacalista Ella Mae Wiggins poco prima di venire assassinata dai vigilantes della compagnia manifatturiera Loray Mill di Gastonia, Nord Carolina, al termine del lungo e durissimo sciopero dei tessili nella primavera del 1929.

Per un’introduzione più approfondita si veda The Mill Mother's Lament.
Per un’accurata ricostruzione del “Loray Mill Strike” si veda quanto scritto da Vera Buch Weisbord, una delle protagoniste dello sciopero, nel suo articolo Gastonia, 1929. Strike at the Loray Mill – da cui traggo anche il testo della canzone - pubblicato nel 1974 sulla rivista Southern Exposure.
All around the jail house
Waiting for a trial,
One mile away from the union hall
Sleeping in the jail.

I walked up to the policeman
To show him I didn't have any fear,
He said if you've got money
I'll see that you don't stay here.

I haven't got a nickel,
Not a penny can I show.
Lock her back up in the call, he said,
As he slammed the jailhouse door.

He let me out in July
The month I dearly love,
The wide open spaces all around me,
The moon and the stars up above.

Everybody seems to want me,
Everyone but the scabs.
I'm on my way from the jail house
I'm going back to the Union Hall.

Tough my tent now is empty,
My heart is full of joy,
I'm a mile away from the Union Hall,
Just a'waiting for a strike.

envoyé par The Lone Ranger - 20/5/2010 - 11:44

Is this the song that is titled
"Gather Around the Water Tank" ?

Wayne Absher & Charlene - 23/9/2011 - 23:11

Credo che questo "country-yodel" di Jimmy Rodgers sia alla base della melodia della canzone di Ella May Wiggins:
Waiting for a Train.

B.B. - 22/4/2015 - 21:35

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