
Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo

Eric Bogle
Lingua: Inglese

Eric Bogle

Lista delle versioni e commenti

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I corpi di Admira Ismić e Boško Brčkić, due fidanzati che nel maggio del 1993, mentre cercavono come molti di fuggire da Sarajevo assediata, caddero come tanti, uccisi dai cecchini serbi. Lei era musulmana bosniaca, lui era serbo bosniaco di fede cristiano ortodossa…
I corpi di Admira Ismić e Boško Brčkić, due fidanzati che nel maggio del 1993, mentre cercavono come molti di fuggire da Sarajevo assediata, caddero come tanti, uccisi dai cecchini serbi. Lei era musulmana bosniaca, lui era serbo bosniaco di fede cristiano ortodossa…

Si vedano anche De l'autre côté du pont, Admira e Boško, Bosko and Admira e l’omonima 薩拉熱窩的羅蜜歐與茱麗葉 [Romeo and Juliet in Sarajevo].
Romeo, has your star set
Where are you Romeo?
Lying with your Juliet
In a field near Sarajevo
The world your love tried to escape
It could not let you go
Conceived and born in blood and hate
Too many wasted lives ago.

Romeo, has your star set
Where are you Romeo?
Lying with your Juliet
In a field near Sarajevo
Young hearts beating, hand in hand
A dream to take or give
Love walks into No Mans Land
Where nothing moves or lives.

Romeo, has your star set
Where are you Romeo?
Lying with your Juliet
In a field near Sarajevo
Did you think that love would be your shield?
Foolish Romeo
Now love lies rotting in a field
Near Sarajevo.

inviata da The Lone Ranger - 12/5/2010 - 13:54

Just browsing around and found this, the Eric Bogle song book(ISBN 192 1029 374) has 'rotting' for 'rolling' in the penultimate line

Derek Bloyce - 31/3/2013 - 11:48

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