
Some Fool Made a Soldier of Me

The Kingston Trio
Langue: anglais

The Kingston Trio

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Album “New Frontier”
Written by Jerry Fuller


I remember when I was a barefooted boy
climbing in a sycamore tree.
But now I'm a little older,
got a rifle on my shoulder.
Some fool made a soldier of me.

Some fool made a soldier of me, ah ha!
And I ride in the rough calva'ry.
Got a pretty gal waitin' for me
while I rot here in the Army.
Some fool made a soldier of me.

I told her we'd marry and build us a home
and raise us a big family.
But she's givin' all her charms to a blue uniform.
Some fool made a soldier of me.

Some fool made a soldier of me, ah ha!
And I ride in the rough calva'ry.
The day's getting' hotter.
I'm near out of water.
Some fool made a soldier of me.

I told Gen'ral Custer
“I'm a-dyin' of thirst and the heat is a-getting' to me”.
But he said, "Have no fear. There's a big river near."
Some fool made a soldier of me.

Some fool made a soldier of me, ah ha!
And I ride in the rough calva'ry.
We'll get there in the morn to Little Big Horn.
Hey, Gen'ral Custer. I think I see an Indian over there.

Yeah! Ask her if she's got a friend for me!
Some fool made a soldier of me.

envoyé par The Lone Ranger - 4/5/2010 - 09:07

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