
Saddam Shame

Roy Zimmerman
Lingua: Inglese

Roy Zimmerman

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1991 Version (First Gulf War)

Official Lyrics
Thank God we finally had us a war
It's what we've been spending our tax dollars for
The rivers of gore we can wave the flag o'er
Sparking a stock market rally
Soaring as high as the casualty tally

Our statement of purpose was to liberate
That lovable serfdom we know as Kuwait
But if we should eliminate one head of state
Iraq doesn't need a dictator
Just an American administrator

Saddam shame, Saddam shame
We all had to learn your damn name
Only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who's sane?

We were fighting for freedom, that much is for sure
Freedom from running our cars on manure
And tell me what could be red, white and bluer
Than bombing a strange foreign nation
So we can all take our summer vacation

The Butcher of Baghdad was your nom de guerre
A nickname you'll have to be willing to share
When we open up our own butcher shop there
You bombed and gassed your own people
But they followed you to our slaughterhouse just like sheep'll

Saddam shame, Saddam shame
We all had to learn your damn name
Only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who's sane?

Our president worked for the Central Intel...
ligence Agency and before that for Shell
We know if he's lying he's doing it well
Yes, he studied popular phonics
And he's learned the lessons of history...onics

Yes, we're the world champions of democracy
So we'll keep sending our military
'Til every nation is sovereign and free
All the while intoning our mantra
Nam myoho renge and aid to the contra

Now I could have told you that right would prevail
So three cheers, hurrah, bravo, right-on, hail, hail!
To President Bush and Vice President ... uh...
And the brave men and women in khaki
And our best to every remaining Iraqi

Saddam shame, Saddam shame
We all had to learn your damn name
Only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who's sane?
Yes, only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who knows?

inviata da Riccardo Venturi - 16/11/2005 - 01:41

Lingua: Inglese

2004 Version
Versione 2004

Thank God we finally had us a war
It's what we've been spending our tax dollars for
Rivers of gore we can wave the flag o'er
Sparking a stock market rally
Soaring as high as the casualty tally

We're fighting for freedom, we know that for sure
Freedom from running our cars on manure
And tell me what could be red, white and bluer
Than bombing a strange foreign nation
So we could all take our summer vacation

Saddam shame, Saddam shame
We all had to learn your damn name
Only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who's sane?

George Bush, the Elder, rode into Iraq
And gave 'em a taste of a Big Mac attack
Climbed on his Hummer and said, "I'll be back!"
Passing the peace-loving Saudis
Tippin' their Stetsons and waivin' their howdy's

Then Bush, the Lesser, was eager to jump in
He couldn't find Osama, he had to do sump'in
To give himself somethin' to say when he's stumpin'
People make fun of the POTUS
But he doesn't mind, in fact, he doesn't notice

Saddam shame, Saddam shame
We all had to learn your damn name
Only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who's sane?

Iraq is the front in the war against terror
Might be because we invited 'em there or
Perhaps there's some terrible clerical error
Maybe a faulty equation
Like 911 equals U.S. invasion

We are not nation builders we now know for certain
We're building the sovereign State of Halliburton
Ignoring the guy there behind the big curtain
Drivin' around feelin' groovy
The star spangled banner on every SUV

The Butcher of Baghdad was your nom de guerre
A nickname you'll have to be willing to share
Now that we've opened up our own butcher shop there
In fact now we'll have to rename ya
And clean our mess up in Mesopotamia

Saddam shame, Saddam shame
We all had to learn your damn name
Only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who's sane?
Yes, only three questions remain
Who's sane? Who's sane? Who knows?

8/1/2006 - 16:25

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