
The People's Thank You

The Covered Wagon Musicians
Lingua: Inglese

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Album “We Say No to Your War!”, Paredon Records.


Canzone scritta e interpretata da Jim Schaffer, Airman 1st Class dell’United States Air Force e membro della “The Covered Wagon”, l’organizzazione nata fra i GIs della base di Mountain Home (MHAFB) Idaho, che si opponevano alla guerra in Vietnam.

Covered Wagon Musicians
We Say No To Your War!
Paredon 1015, Smithsonian Folkways Recordings, 1972

1. Mathematics (Spoken)
2. Silver Bird
3. Phantom Jets Are Coming
4. The Rodenway Nine
5. Spring Conscience
6. Mathematics (Sung)
7. We Say No To Your War!
8. The People’s Thank You
9. My Pledge, My Vow
10. Bring Our Brothers Home
11. Napalm Sticks To Kids
12. Children of the Delta


Sgt. John Boychuk
AIC John Carson
AIC Dave Davis
Sgt. Tom Derreck
Sgt. Patrick Henry
AIC George Herkert
AIC Al Kramer
AIC Joe Massaro
Carolyn Mugar
Vic Pacania
Airman Penny Rand
AIC Jim Schaffer
AIC Tom Spaulding

We’d like to thank you,
Thank you, Richard Nixon,
Thank you for the job you`ve done.
Revolution is the people’s thank you,
And the thank-you’s have just begun!

We’d like to thank you,
Thank you Hank Kissinger, (*)
Thank you for the job you`ve done.
Revolution is the people’s thank you,
And the thank-you’s have just begun!

Oh well, you know
You took the power from the people
And their land!
But now we’ve got the GI movement,
And we’ll crush that blood-stained hand!

We’d like to thank you,
Thank you Bill Westmoreland, (**)
Thank you for the job you`ve done.
Revolution is the people’s thank you,
And the thank-you’s have just begun!

Oh well you know,
You took the power from the people,
And that's wrong!
But now we’ve got the GI movement,
And we’re growing, we’re getting strong!

We'd like to thank you,
Thank you all you slobs,
Thank you for the job you`ve done.
Revolution is the people’s thank you,
And the thank-you’s have just begun!

Well you know
You took the power from the people
That was your decree.
But now we`ve got the people’s army
And we’re marching on to victory!

We’d like to thank you,
Thank you Richard Nixon,
Thank you for the job you`ve done.
Revolution is the people’s thank you,
And the thank-you’s have just begun!
(*) Henry Kissinger, che nell’anno in cui fu scritta questa canzone rivestiva l’incarico di US National Security Advisor del presidente Nixon e che era stato – fra l’altro - il principale artefice dei bombardamenti a tappeto sulla Cambogia, continuati incessantemente dal marzo 1969 al maggio 1970. Proprio per questo (!) venne insignito dell’ignobile premio Nobel per la pace nel 1973, mentre la guerra scatenata dagli USA ancora divampava in Vietnam…

(**) Gen. William Westmoreland, che nell’anno in cui fu scritta questa canzone era Chief of Staff, il capo di stato maggiore dell’esercito USA.

inviata da Alessandro - 16/4/2010 - 11:37

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