The world today is mourning
The death of Mother Jones
Grief and sorrow hover
Around the miners' homes
That grand old champion of labor
Has gone to a better land
But the hard-working miners
Miss her guiding hand.
Through the hills and over the valleys
In every mining town
Mother Jones was ready to help them
She never let them down.
In front with the striking miners
She always could be found
She fought for right and justice
She made a noble stand.
With a spirit strong and fearless
She hated that which was wrong
And she never gave up fighting
Until her breath was gone.
May the workers all get together
And carry out her plan
And bring back better conditions
For every laboring woman and man.
The death of Mother Jones
Grief and sorrow hover
Around the miners' homes
That grand old champion of labor
Has gone to a better land
But the hard-working miners
Miss her guiding hand.
Through the hills and over the valleys
In every mining town
Mother Jones was ready to help them
She never let them down.
In front with the striking miners
She always could be found
She fought for right and justice
She made a noble stand.
With a spirit strong and fearless
She hated that which was wrong
And she never gave up fighting
Until her breath was gone.
May the workers all get together
And carry out her plan
And bring back better conditions
For every laboring woman and man.
envoyé par giorgio - 14/4/2010 - 08:29
Canzone di autore anonimo.
La prima incisione è di Gene Autry, 1931.
In alcune compilation, come “Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?: American Song During The Great Depression” (1977) e “Poor Man, Rich Man - American Country Songs Of Protest” (1989).
Testo trovato su Union Songs
Ripresa anche da Joe Glazer nel suo “Down In A Coal Mine” del 1974.
Quindi David Rovics – cui la canzone è stata impropriamente attribuita in origine – è solo l’ultimo arrivato in ordine di tempo…
Nel 1930 moriva, ultranovantenne, la leggendaria Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, insegnante ed agitatrice sociale, organizzatrice dell’United Mine Workers e fondatrice dell’Industrial Workers of the World, in prima linea in tutti i grandi scioperi dalla seconda metà dell’800 fino al massacro di Paint Creek (1912), a quelli di Ludlow (1914) e Matewan (1920) e alla battaglia di Blair Mountain.
Quando scioperare significava davvero qualcosa e chi lo faceva sapeva cosa rischiava (non solo qualche ora di paga sulla pelle degli altri)…
Canzone di autore anonimo.
La prima incisione è di Gene Autry, 1931.
In alcune compilation, come “Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?: American Song During The Great Depression” (1977) e “Poor Man, Rich Man - American Country Songs Of Protest” (1989).
Testo trovato su Union Songs
Ripresa anche da Joe Glazer nel suo “Down In A Coal Mine” del 1974.
Quindi David Rovics – cui la canzone è stata impropriamente attribuita in origine – è solo l’ultimo arrivato in ordine di tempo…
Nel 1930 moriva, ultranovantenne, la leggendaria Mary Harris "Mother" Jones, insegnante ed agitatrice sociale, organizzatrice dell’United Mine Workers e fondatrice dell’Industrial Workers of the World, in prima linea in tutti i grandi scioperi dalla seconda metà dell’800 fino al massacro di Paint Creek (1912), a quelli di Ludlow (1914) e Matewan (1920) e alla battaglia di Blair Mountain.
Quando scioperare significava davvero qualcosa e chi lo faceva sapeva cosa rischiava (non solo qualche ora di paga sulla pelle degli altri)…
Bernart Bartleby - 19/5/2015 - 12:20
Lyrics & Music by anonymous
Album: PayDay at Coal Creek [1998]
"Mother" Mary Jones fought tirelessly for workers' rights in the coal mines and the textile mills, and was, in her long life, as beloved by the Knights of Labor in the 1870's as she was by the Industrial Workers of the World in the early twentieth century, which she helped found in 1906.