
Call Me The Whale

Paul Kaplan
Langue: anglais

Paul Kaplan

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Album "Life on this Planet"

Call me the whale, for that's what I am
And all I aim to be.
You may call yourselves the kings of the land
But I am the king of the sea, brave boys
Yes, I am the king of the sea.

You came after me in your matchstick boats
With your harpoons poised for the kill
When I looked you in the eye, I never saw you cry
But I know that I gave you a chill, brave boys
I know that I gave you a chill.

I never ever meant you any harm brave boys,
When I sent you to the bottom with my tail.
I only meant to show you, (that) you should been at home
Instead of on the ocean chasing whales, brave boys
Instead of on the ocean chasing whales.

But you never got the message, so more and more you came
'til I ran out of places for to hide
When your boats got so big, that I couldn't bring you down
Then I knew you had turned the tide, brave boys
I knew you had turned the tide.

Now you hunt me down in your factory ships
And you never even touch me with your hands
In the morning I am playing with my babies in the waves,
In the afternoon I'm packed into your cans, brave boys
In the afternoon I'm packed into your cans.

You've gotten so efficient with your implements of death
That by now I am barely alive
But if you treat each other the way you've treated me
I think I am going to survive, brave boys
I know I am going to survive

Call me the whale, for that's what I am
And all I aim to be.
You may call yourselves the kings of the land
But I am the king of the sea, brave boys
Yes, I am the king of the sea.

envoyé par Alessandro - 9/4/2010 - 09:02

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