
Letter from North Vietnam

Norman A. Ross
Lingua: Inglese

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Testo trovato su “Broadside Magazine”, n. 86 del novembre 1967

The bombers come all day, the bombers come all night,
They drop leaflets ev'ry where;
They drop toys for the children, they drop bombs for the men,
And then they disappear

It's toys for the children and bombs for the men,
And the leaflets blame it all on Ho Chi Minh;
But the bombs hit our huts and men and children die,
And we are wond'ring why.

We live off the soil, we toil on the land
we plant food to grow.
The planes dropped their bombs and killed all our rice
but we have more seeds to sow.

It's toys for the children and bombs for the men
and the leaflets blame it all on Ho Chi Minh.
But the bombs hit our huts and men and children die
and we are wondering why.

We built a school so the children could learn
and grow up to be wiser men.
The firebombs came and destroyed our school
but we'll build it up again.

The hospital had a cross on top
it was built for the injured and the sick.
Day after day the bombers came
did they think the red cross was a trick?

It's toys for the children and bombs for the men
and the leaflets blame it all on Ho Chi Minh.
But the mobs hit our huts and men and children die
and we are asking why.

The cross on high was a symbol of Christ.
Now the church is gone.
The Americans came in the middle of the day
with a peace and freedom bomb.

Clothes and shoes and books and food
used to come from the factory.
Now the job's being done by people young and old
who are fighting to be free.

inviata da Alessandro - 2/4/2010 - 09:35

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