
Santo Dominico

Bob Connelly
Langue: anglais

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Album “Yankee Go Home: Songs of Protest Against American Imperialism”, Folkways Records.


Alla fine dell’800 l’economia della piccola repubblica di Santo Domingo andò letteralmente dal culo a causa del solito dittatorucolo di turno, il generale Ulises “Lilís” Heureaux, che aveva indebitato fino al collo il paese facendosi imprestare dalle banche europee un sacco di soldi che poi spendeva per sé e la sua corte… Il generale fu poi ammazzato ma intanto alcune navi da guerra francesi, tedesche, olandesi e pure italiane navigavano verso l’isola con l’intenzione di “curarne il fallimento” e riprendersi se possibile i soldi… Ma il presidente Roosevelt disse che non era cosa, che ci avrebbero pensato gli USA a onorare i debiti dominicani e che gli europei se ne stessero alla larga dal “giardino di casa” statunitense… E così, dopo Cuba, Filippine e Panama, gli yankee si mangiarono pure Santo Domingo…

“In 1905, as a result of Santo Dominican bankruptcy and of a threat by European nations to take over Dominican property in lieu of payment, Theodore Roosevelt intervened and imposed American supervision of Dominican finances and established a trust fund to repay the European debt. The intervention in Santo Domingo is a perfect example of the Roosevelt Corollary in action.”
(nota introduttiva al brano dal libretto che accompagna l’album)
Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

From East to West, there ran a debt,
Santo Dominico!
The debt we know they'd like to pay,
Santo Dominico!
If only they could find a way.
Santo Dominico!

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

We're sorry for that little land,
Santo Dominico!
Thank God I think we've got a plan,
Santo Dominico!
We'll help them in their hour of need,
Santo Dominico!
We‘ll help them run their industries,
Santo Dominico!

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

The world is askin’ for their gold,
Santo Dominico!
Eighteen million worth of gold,
Santo Dominico!
It's embarrassing to see this State,
Santo Dominico!
The object of their greed and hate.
Santo Dominico!

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

We can't sit back and merely wait,
Santo Dominico!
Tomorrow it may be too late,
Santo Dominico!
For Europe in their sneaky way,
Santo Dominico!
They claim their land for equal pay.
Santo Dominico!

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

I think the time has come to act,
Santo Dominico!
For we have got to face the fact,
Santo Dominico!
These people need us desperately,
Santo Dominico!
We owe it to Democracy!
Santo Dominico!

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

And if these people fail to see,
Santo Dominico!
Their situation's urgency,
Santo Dominico!
We'll take our cousins by the hand,
Santo Dominico!
They damn well better understand!
Santo Dominico!

Santo Dominico,
Owes money all around the world.
Santo Dominico,
Owes money to us all.

envoyé par Alessandro - 1/4/2010 - 14:45

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